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3 ‘GALA’ steps to Self- Love

A woman named Gala Darling was battling depression and eating disorders just as most women today are. But what she did to come out of the trauma is something most of us should start following if we’re not in the loop yet.

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The- 32 year- old practiced radical self love to leave self loathing and doubt behind. Author by profession and a self-help guru, Darling took to her blog to share three steps and help women of today put behind self loathing.

The steps include Gratitude; to be thankful for each day and not compare ourselves to others, Self-Care; taking time for yourself and simply doing things that make you feel good and finally Write it Down; to jot down every compliment we get each year so that when there’s a bad day, we can turn to those positive thoughts and make our day better.

It’s a tried and tested method so why not try these simple steps to a good happy life?

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