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Fed up of smoking? Healthy distractions can help you to quit it

Healthy distractions that could help you to quit smoking

Nobody is oblivious of negative effects of smoking these days. People know very well when they start smoking that they are getting themselves in for no good. Still they join in, some in pressure and some for pleasure. Soon the habit turns into addiction and till you realize it, it is already too late. Each day we see hundreds of cases of cancer, infections due to smoking. Some take a lesson and try to quit this hazardous habit, but it is not easy. You will crave for cigarette, but that is the test. How you will fight your desire for nicotine? Instead of killing yourself each day, you can succumb to some healthy distractions which will keep your mind off smoking. Let us discuss about some of these distractions:

  • Deep breaths

Whenever you feel anxiety and craving for nicotine which will be quite often, instead of surrendering to the desire, go out from wherever you are (if possible) and take deep breaths of flesh air. The exercise shall help you relax your anxiety.

  • Exercise

Involving yourself in some or the other kind of physical activity will distract you from your nicotine cravings. Also, the extra pounds that you have gained while keeping yourself involved with smoking activities could be reduced.

Fed up of smoking? Healthy distractions can help you to quit it
Quit Smoking
  • Call people

Whenever you fill like submitting to your desire to smoke, just remember the face of your loved ones. Talk to them, their voice will give you the required support to fight your tobacco cravings. Call people you know have successfully quit smoking to seek morale support.

  • Listen music

To distract yourself of the cravings for nicotine, music could always support you. Plug in your headphones to your phone or better high volume speakers, move to the beats of upbeat rock music and forget about your anxiety.

  • Remember the benefits

Always remind yourself about the number of benefits that will tag along with you for quitting smoking. Not just will you save money that you are regularly used to spend on cigarettes but you will also become healthy. Your closed ones will be happy and would be spared from passive smoking is another added benefit.

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