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9 Reasons why it is good to have kids?

9 Reasons why having kids is a blessing!

We are living in a century where kids are mostly considered as a burden than a blessing, thanks to our hectic schedules. Most of the couples are caught in the dilemma of whether to have kids or not? Now-a-days people have their mindset that children could be bothersome, hindrance, inconvenient, nuisance, unruly, expensive, and expendable. Couples don’t realize that just like marriage has so many blessings, having a child is also adorable.


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There are a lot of benefits of having children such as they give us a sense of responsibility, they are pure and innocent, they help you develop a close bond, they are good stress-busters, they help you to strengthen your bonding with your partner, gives strength in your old age, confidence to live and lastly they give a fresh perspective on life so as to enrich and make you enjoy it.

Here are some reasons why having kids is a blessing:

Learn to be selfless: Being a parent can be a task as it is a twenty-four-hour job. Most parents will tend to realize that you are required to put the needs of your child first before yours.

Improves your health: Parents become more responsible to take care of themselves health-wise as they become aware that they are accountable to take care of another individual. Only playing with kids for some time can be a great stress-reliever.

Laughing with their kids

Self-esteem and responsibility: When you become a father, you understand that you have become an integral part of an individual’s life. This can create a positive effect on your children like how do you feel about yourself and your success as a parent.

Know about yourself: Most parents while bringing up their kids have become more tolerant and accommodative. It does increase patience and love and makes them aware about themselves. It helps parents to discover what is truly important for them in their life and also what is the true joy and real happiness for them.

Your child makes you a kid again: Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience. They tend to experience a lot of new feelings. Bringing up kids does give you the freedom to do childish things like when child and parents are playing in the park, watching cartoons or play games together.

Laugh as much as you can: Funny things or lots of things kids do and it makes parents laugh more. Kids constantly do things that can be humorous and silly. They create an atmosphere that makes parents to enjoy some wonderful moments.

Make you happier: Children can bring new start and fresh perspective in your life when you shower love and affection on someone you start to love them more. Having children can make parents be more content than a childless couple. It means parents experience more love in their life and it gives them a reason to live.

Renew your knowledge: Kids will constantly keep asking you questions and they want you to give a variety of answers for it. As the child grows up, they would make the parents brush up their knowledge by asking them anything from math tables to the capital of the states.

Blessed with rewards: An important part of parenting is raising the child, it can help you to live your life with integrity. And as a child follows the good morals and values that you have taught her/him it can be rewarding for the parents.

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