Joyous News

Easy ways to loose belly fat

Here are ways to reduce belly fat

Due to our now spoiled eating habits and tendency of avoiding our health, obesity is a very common problem faces by most of us.

Some resort to heavy exercises, dieting, starving self to death just in order to get in shape.

Most probably to achieve a flat belly. But here are few tips and bits to flatten your belly naturally without much of an effort:

1. Eat between 3 to 4 pm

Exactly, according to many experts and nutritionists, eating protein rich food could help you in boosting your metabolism. It magically lowers your insulin levels which in return help in reducing your belly fat.

2. Ball exercise

Exercising with a gravity ball 3 to 4 times a week will certainly help you in reducing excess fat around your tummy. For effective results, the ball should be passed between ones hands to the knees while laying flat on the back.

Easy ways to loose belly fat
If determined, if basketball will work

3. Reduce sugar consumption

In order to keep your insulin levels lowest possible to maintain a flat belly, one must cut their intake of sugar as much as possible. It will ultimately increase glucagon hormone in your body which is necessary for a flat tummy.

4. Chew your food properly

One of the must effective methods for flattening your stomach is to improve your digestive system and chewing does exactly that. By chewing your food for a longer time will reduce the intake of food and will anyhow prevent belly bloating.

5. Laughter yoga

Laughter is indeed the best medicine. It helps in strengthening and toning your abs.

There are many laughing yoga classes available which not just helps in keeping your mood light but also strengthen your belly leading to flattening it.

These were some easy and natural tips to keep your tummy flat and wear skim fit jeans and dresses whenever you wish.

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