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Does AC spread coronavirus? Here is a reality check

As summer approaches and coronavirus worsens, Let’s look whether is it safe to turn on air conditioners or not?

As Indians are locked down in their homes with temperature increasing day by day. This COVID-19 outbreak has posed a unique problem for air conditioner brands in India. Air conditioner makers have been inundated with a number of calls from the customers and dealers asking if switching on the AC will spread the coronavirus. This rumour has made the distributors worried as customers may not buy these products in the near future due to fear of contracting the virus.

Home AC’s don’t pose coronavirus threat, but central air conditioning could raise risks

According to experts, home AC units do not pose any additional risk of COVID-19 infection, especially at a time when people are isolated in their own homes without any contact of outside. But coronavirus can spread within spaces that are centrally air-conditioned- such as shopping malls and some modern apartments, if an infected person is inside such spaces. COVID-19 is not suspended in the air and settles on a surface. The places which are centrally air-conditioned shopping centres etc, where there are a lot of people, the virus can get recycled in the air for a short span of time.

Read more: Coronavirus Myths that you shouldn’t believe: ‘Kyunki jo darr gya, woh marr gya’

In the wake of Pandemic, the Narendra Modi government has ordered people to stay away from crowded spaces as they can easily come in contact with someone who is already infected. Meanwhile, AC makers are planning to come out with a campaign to sensitize the general public that home AC’s will not cause any illness and it is only crowded places like mall etc, that should be avoided to minimize the risk.

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