Women Talk

Is Visiting a Gynaec before marriage shameful? How can Young Ladies Prepare for their First Visit to the Gynaecologist?

There is no age and stage when you should be seeking reproductive healthcare, here is how you can prepare for their first visit to the gynaecologist?

Hey dear young lady, who has just started to see her body changing before you start to read this piece, I want to tell you that it will be absolutely alright. Whatever changes your body is undergoing are natural and you don’t have to worry about anything. Since you have just entered the phase of puberty and there can be a chance that you might have to see a gynaec too, if and when any undesirable change occurs in the body. But we know how society is. There are a lot of stigmas around reproductive hygiene and many times, a visit to a gynaecologist is made gossip and a matter of shame, no wonder why. And we know, this very fact does make you conscious of your first meeting with a gynaecologist. But don’t worry. We got your back. We have prepared a checklist for you young lady about how you can Prepare for Your First Visit to the Gynaecologist?

But before preparing the questions, here is why you need to visit the Gynaecologist

For Information – A visit to the gynaec will help you in keeping yourself informed about the changes that you can expect your body to undergo.

For understanding the prevention and precautions – There are certain preventions and precautions for which you should be knowing. For example – about birth control, STDs, safe sex etc that you should be aware of.

For advisory and Treatment – This is the third reason why you can be required to visit your gynaecologist and this is generally the most common reason. There can be issues in reproductive health for which you might need to see a gynaecologist.

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First visit to the gynaecologist

So, here is your checklist for how to Prepare for Your First Visit to the Gynaecologist?

Normalize seeing a Gynaecologist

Topics like sexuality and reproduction live in the taboo zones of society and hence, there are certain stigmas around it. But let us tell you that it is normal to see a gynaec. Maybe you are finding it as scary as it is your first time, but trust us, it is normal.

Make a list of question to ask the Gynaecologist

There are chances that you will be anxious on your First Visit to the Gynaecologist and hence, won’t be able to express fully. So, keep your question list ready for your gynaec.

Try not to shy away

This is an important step you might miss things for. Try not to be shy as if you will be so, you will end up having no answer to the important questions you have for your gynaec.

Don’t forget to keep the track of your period cycle

Your gynaec is very likely to ask you about when did you get your last period and how regular is your period cycle. So, you need to keep a check on your cycle instead of giving a vague and random answer to your doc.

Note your symptoms

Nothing about your symptoms is a very important step. It can be around

– Signs of PMS
– Questions about pregnancy
– Itchy vagina
– Unusual bumps
– Odour and discharge
– Brest development etc.

Answer the Gynae’s questions honestly

Your visit will be of no use if you will not answer the questions by your gynaec honestly. Discrepancies in the answers can even backfire as the doctor will end up prescribing you things according to wrong answers.

Make your health, a priority

Reproductive health is a very important part of a healthy body. Prioritize it and be your honest self in front of the doctor so that they can be the most helpful.

So, this was your checklist for your visit to the gynaecologist. Remember, it is absolutely alright to visit a gynaec, irrespective of your age and marital status. And, whatever changes your body is undergoing are normal. You just need some guidance and support and everything will be fine.

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Ishika Aggarwal

Can write, shoot, listen, talk and procrastinate. A feminist at heart, Ishika is an avid writer and multimedia person who loves talking about women, realism, and society. When not working she is either seen watching films or making one.
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