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Reason decoded: Why conflicts arise?

College students may experience increased family conflicts and off when members of the family are all together, according to new research.

The study is the first to show how university students in the United States Problematic Internet Use (PIU) diagnosis perceive their role in their families.

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On the positive side, these students reported their time often improves internet connectivity family , when they and their families were separated.

However, overuse of the internet led to an increase in family conflicts and off when the family members were all together, the researchers said.

Most students felt that their families PIU also overused internet, with parents not establish sufficient limits to any parent or sibling internet use.

Young adults are at especially high risk for behavioral addictions, researchers said, and PIU are considered a behavioural addiction disorders similar to substance abuse characteristics.

College students may be especially vulnerable to developing PIU for reasons that include free internet access, large blocks of free time, courses that require their use and the sudden release of parental control and monitoring.

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