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September is suicide prevention month! Live your life because it’s precious!

Life is Beautiful and don’t waste it

September is the suicide prevention month and 10th of September is popularly known as suicide prevention day. A lot of people every year commit suicide. They just give up on everything. Ending your life is not a solution. Why do people often forget that life is a beautiful struggle? This suicide prevention day take a pledge to spread awareness about the importance of life!

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Related : World Suicide Prevention Day

Here, are following reasons why suicide is not a solution to any problem!

1. Don’t give up: Quit, Lose, Surrender, Give Up…these words have negative connotations. Do you really want them to apply to you? Are you really a quitter?

No? Prove it. So, you have some terrible things going on in your life, most people do. It doesn’t mean you have to end your life, it means you endure, adapt, grow and in time.

2. Don’t hurt your loved ones: Sure committing suicide is a difficult choice for you, but have you even stopped to think about how badly you are going to hurt your loved ones? Family and friends are likely to be absolutely devastated and sure, not everyone has family or friends, but if you could visit your own funeral, you might be surprised to learn you have a few more than you thought. Think thrice about your parents. They can’t survive without you.

Quitting is not an option

Related : Reaching out to those at risk of suicide

3. There could be many other solutions to your problem: Sure change and improvement are difficult, but there is almost never a situation that does not have a solution. Can’t you see some possible way to triumph in the situation you are in without giving up everything you were, are and will ever be? If you can’t think of a way, maybe someone else can. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to investigate all options. Suicide isn’t something to be taken lightly. Suicide is the worst solution to a difficult situation.

4. Don’t leave that impression: In the wake of your suicide, you are likely to always be remembered as the one who gave up, the one who couldn’t hack it, the one who quit, and the one who left their loved ones in the lurch. Be bold, be strong!

5. There are no second chances: If it is a big date and you choose the wrong movie or an important anniversary and you choose the wrong restaurant, it sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. You choose something better the next time. If you choose to take your life and realize that you have made a mistake in your final moment. There is no re-do. There are no second chances. There is no next time.

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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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