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Must try hangover cures!

Many nations have concoctions to help ease the throbbing head and the queasy stomach after night of too much drinking. If you’re stomach not churning the drink cures like sparrow droppings in brandy and sheep eyeballs will do the trick

  1. Hungary- sparrow droppings

This is dangerous as it could potentially introduce parasites, bacteria and disease into the body.

  1. USA – prairie oyster

Ingredients- Tomato juice with one raw, a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, salt, black pepper and drops of Tabasco sauce.

Tomato juice is rich in vitamin C and fructose and amino acids which steps up liver function.


  1. New Zealand- mince and cheese pie with chocolate pie

Ingredients – savory pie with chocolate milk.

Comforting and rich in protein breaks down amino acids and boosts liver detoxing power.

  1. Philippines

Ingredients- fertilized duck, embryo poached.

Eyes contain lots of cysteine, which breaks down hangover causing pain.

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