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How to deal with liars?

Here are some tips why do people lie and how to deal with liars

  • Reason why people lie
  • What to do when you catch a liar
  • How to tell if someone is laying
Stop lying
Stop lying

We all lie at some point of our life due to various reasons. But sometimes people find lying best way to escape from problems. Today, we will tell you why do people lie and how to deal with liars.

Everyone has deep dark secrets that they never say to anyone. What are those secrets that live deep within you? You may not patent lie to other but you sure are lying to yourself. Every time people lies they are lying to themselves. They are making a conscious choice to contradict themselves of speaking in their truth. Every time a person speaks lie they are trapping deceased energy within them. The body will react to the energy stored within as illness.

Reasons why people lie:

  • Seeking Attention
  • To manipulate you
  • To prove a point
  • To get sympathy
  • To avoid punishment
  • To create excitement
  • To test trust
liars and cheaters
liars and cheaters

What to do when you catch a liar:

Protect Yourself :

  1. Whenever you decide to tell a lie or to let it go, once you know are dealing with a liar, it is very critical to take steps to safe yourselves.
  2. Though if you are dealing with a particular sharpness liar, they are not going to commit to anything in writing.
  3. That is not so good as having proof in the other person’s words, but at least you will be able to make the argument that your colleague had to opportunity to correct you.

Bringing it all together:

  1. One of the people tell rare lies to make themselves look good or protect themselves.
  2. The best thing to do is to carefully consider your options thinking through the pros and cons of each course of action.

Deflect with humor:

Some lies are too much big to ignore completely, but if it’s a minor lie, you can always crack joke out of it. Playful comments that acknowledge the lie will usually do the trick.

How to tell if someone is lying?

  • Listen to how they say – If they are not saying much about something they may be lying to you.
  • Every time you remember they not being told important matter is still a lie.
  • You notice if they seem over-eager and relieved to change the subject.

Roshni Kumari

A dedicated individual who leaves no stone unturned when it comes to work.
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