
How to fight depression when you are alone?

Remember depression is transient

It is said, “Do not judge the book by its cover page.” This old saying has still not lost its meaning in this new era. People who often look that they have life all figured out, may not really feel the same way. From the top-notch celebs to the Aam Janta, all have battled depression at some point of time. Depression can be hard to deal with when you are alone.

 So here we have got you ways to fight depression when you are alone

1. Listen to music

That’s the thing about music, it takes you to the happy place where you once were. Music is something which is easily within arms reach. Listen to the music that gets you up in the mood and gives you happy-go-lucky club vibe.

2. Laugh a lot

Even if you do not have people around, remember we are the lucky generation. Everything available on this earth are just on our fingertips. Comedy show such as, Saturday Night Live, Mad TV or a media site can be your best buddy during your hard time.

Read more: 7 easy steps to borrow from Deepika Padukone for good mental health

3. Bond with a pet

It is said, “Dogs are human’s best friend.” Pets especially dogs, are protective against loneliness. Pets are our forever companion and the only loyal being on this earth.

4. Meditate

“Mindfulness teaches us that we are more than who we think are.” Developing a meditation practice will not only bless you with mental peace but will also help in your over all well-being.

5. Check your enviornment

Your environment can be a huge contributor to depression. Getting out and away from the environments that bring you down is the best option.

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