
4 books by Khaled Hossieni that you can pick during Lockdown! 

Books are the gift of life, honour of a bibliophile and a man’s best friend

Reading is that one activity which helps you to escape the reality and helps you to immerse in another universe. 23rd April is symbolic date in the world of literature. It is the date on which several prominent authors like William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega died. From holding Wimpy Kids in our hands when we were toddler to reading Harry Potter number of times, books have always been our GO-TO-PERSON. It helps us to travel the world without moving our feets.

Here are top 4 books Khaled Hossini

1. The Kite Runner (“For you, a thousand times over.” )

Khaled Hossini’s first book was a runaway hit. Readers across the globe devoured the unique, fluid prose, which detailed the painful and strenmous circumstances of its protagonist Amir and his journey as he grew up.

Ratings: 4.30

2. A Thousand splendid Suns (“Marriage can wait, education cannot.”)

A thousand splendid suns establishes more or less the same thematic elements as The Kite Runner, but is a more gut-wrenching read in many ways.

Ratings: 4.37

Read more: 5 Books by Indian Authors that will hook every bookworm

3. Sea Prayer

Sea Prayer is an illustrated novel by Khaled Hosseini. The book is written in the form of a letter from a father to a sun who has fired their home to due to Civil War. The life and struggles of refugees are depicted in such a way that it makes the readers connect to the intense emotions that are felt by the refugees characters in the novel.

Ratings: 4.04

4. And the Mountains Echoed ( All good things in life are fragile and easily lost)

This book does not focus on one character like Hosseni’s previous books. It is an onerous thing to be the voice and the face of people troubled by the politics of the lands. The book is written in a way similar to short stories, with each chapter told from the perspective of a different character.

Ratings: 4.05

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