Joyous News

The mysterious women: Decoded by men! FOR REAL??

It is well established that women work in mysterious ways indeed. And any sane man would have given to understand exactly how the brain of a woman works. Why they do what they do, how they make decisions are made … These are some of the confusing things that make you just do not understand. And do not expect ever either!

1. Going to pee in groups

Is there a cupcake dispenser / complimentary cocktail in the bathroom? Because it explains both. At this time, simply I do not understand why on earth you would like to accompany a friend to the loo of all things!

2. Say something … as it means something else!

The “I’m fine” to “I’m not angry,” nothing means what we think it means! Was there a note saying you lost us more or less the opposite of what you mean?

3. The awakening beautiful!

Okay, this is crazy. Even after sleeping for only four hours and has a crazy hangover, women still manage to look beautiful when they wake up. It is almost unfair.


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4. Always surprise us with how amazing you look

Even if you know for a decade, although we have seen the same dress in which a million times, even when we do not know why sometimes it takes forever to get ready, we’re still impressed by how gorgeous you look at all moment.

5. Do not take a compliment…

Dear women of the world, they really mean when they say you’re beautiful. We’re not kidding, we’re not lying, and we are not saying that just shag. If we think you’re beautiful, you have. That is all. Without chains.

6. His compassion

No matter what you have had differences with someone in the past … If the person is in need, he always comes through. The past is thrown out the window without a second thought. For someone who not forget the reason behind every fight with your partner, that’s pretty impressive. And confusing!!

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