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Paracetamol tablets putting babies at asthma risk

Babies are a third more likely to develop asthma if they are usually given paracetamol tablets, as per a new study.

The study by Bristol University has found that if moms to be consumed paracetamol, the chances are more that the unborn child might suffer from asthma.

The scientist from Oslo University and the Bristol team has studied the data from 114,500 pregnancies, and tracking the children till the age of seven and found that the paracetamol tablets, by the pregnant women and by the children at an infant stage, creates chances of developing asthma by an age of three.


Paracetamol Tablets

The scientists have also tested their theory against an idea that asthma was caused by the medical complaints for a person taking paracetamol.

The scientists have developed the research that the children given paracetamol during infancy are 29 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with asthma by the age of three, also with a similar rate at age seven.

This study was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

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