Joyous News

Overuse of Electronic Gadgets Triggers Early Ageing: Study

Excessive use of electronic devices, including mobile phones and tablets, can cause “tech neck “leading to the first signs of ageing, health experts have warned.

According to experts, “tech neck” leading to sagging skin, dropping jaw, and folds above the collarbone, seriously affects the facial appearance of the person making frown lines, the bags from under the eyes, and the horizontal lines in the neck with fat prominences.



A recent report by the Association of Internet and mobile India (IAMAI) had revealed that it was expected that the number of mobile Internet users in the country to reach 371 million in June 2016. As much as 40 percent users consist of young people between the age group 19-30.

Experts have said that bending forward commonly cause changes in the cervical spine, the curve, supporting ligaments, tendons and muscles and bone segments, commonly causing postural change.

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