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Health conscious or over-conscious: 6 signs that you are a victim of Hypochondria

6 signs that you are a victim of Hypochondria, here is all you need to know

It’s good to be health conscious but what if you are over conscious about your health? Your constant worries about your health might be dangerous for you. If every headache or twinge in your toe sends you into a panic, then you might be a victim of hypochondria. We can all relate to the desire to Google our weird bodily symptoms, and doing so occasionally is totally normal. But it can become a bit of a problem if your health is all you ever think about and the worry is overwhelming you.

Hypochondria- Important things you need to know

A hypochondrium is a medical term and normal people may not be aware of this term. It’s a serious psychological disorder that seeks immediate psychiatrist or psychologist attention. Hypochondria, which is now called illness anxiety disorder, is defined as the excessive worry that you are or may become seriously ill. It is not occasional worry instead it is constant worries about your health.

Illness anxiety disorder needs to be persistent for at least six months before it’s considered a problem. And it can be triggered in a variety of ways, including a stressful life event, the threat of a serious illness, a childhood illness, having a parent with an illness, and excessive health-related Internet use.

Victim of Hypochondria, Representative Image
Victim of Hypochondria, Representative Image

Here, are six symptoms of hypochondria that you should be aware of:

1. Google for every symptom you have

Internet is good thing but it has become new source of misusage too. It’s really important to gain insight about some unusual symptoms you have, but googling every symptom might be a symptom of hypochondria.

2. Convinced that minor ailments is a huge disease

People with an illness anxiety disorder are very tuned into their bodies, and that can be a bad thing. It is quite normal to feel little aches and pains throughout the day, but hypochondriacs will immediately assume the worst. They will Google about it or seeking immediate doctor’s help is actually dangerous.

Victim of Hypochondria
Do you always feel sick?

3. You feel fine, but have constant worry of getting ill

If you feel absolutely fine but has constant worries of getting ill is a major symptom of hypochondria. Constant thought of getting ill is really dangerous.

4. No trust on doctor

Even after doctor’s says ok to your health and you are still not sure about it. Persistent fear of illness even after doctor’s prescription is a symptom of hypochondria.

Victim of Hypochondria
Here is all you need to know about the disorder

5. Visiting multiple hospitals for second opinion

Sometime it’s good to take second advice, but every time getting second advice needs immediate attention. Since hypochondriacs are never quite convinced that they are not ill, they may go for second, third, or even fourth doctor’s opinions.

6. Convinced with a fact that you will recover

Well, even if hypochondria patient is suffering from major symptom that also he or she will be convinced with a fact that they will recover soon.

The symptoms of hypochondria go on and on, but the main points are: a preoccupation with your health, excessive worry that you are or may become sick, and the desire to constantly check yourself for illness. It sounds quite normal but it’s a major disorder.

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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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