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Fed up of sun tan? Here are five simple hacks to get rid of it

5 home remedies to remove sun tan

One can find a variety of products that claim to treat tan and damage caused by the sun. However, one personally feels that the best way to get rid of sun tan is to use natural products or ingredients as the products available in the market could have chemical components that might affect the skin in an adverse way. The best way to get back your supple skin is to use ingredients that are natural and are easily available.

So how about ingredients straight from your kitchen or garden? Using ingredients from our kitchen or garden is a practice that we all have seen our parents and grandparents doing.

Here are 5 simple home remedies to remove sun tan:

1. Tomato

Sun Tan

Tomato works extremely well as a tan removal agent. It not only removes dead skin but also consists of properties that bring back the glow in the skin. Tomato also acts as a natural sunscreen, prevents sunburn, repairs skin damage and helps in reducing the ageing process. It has been an age old remedy to treat skin ailments especially when one has pale skin that lacks luster.

2. Yoghurt

Another dead skin removal ingredient which is very effective and natural is yoghurt or curd. Curd mixed with wheat flour can be applied on the face, hands and feet and then rinsed off once it dries up. Curd and flour when combined act as a scrub and remove dead skin and sun tan easily. Regular use of this mixture will ensure clear, soft and supple skin.

3. Lemon

Lemon contains Vitamin C in abundance, which is a great tan removal agent. One can simply slice a lemon, rub it on the skin and wipe it off once it settles on the skin. The citric acid present in lemon helps not only in the removal of sun tan but also in the removal of acne and lightening of the marks. One can also apply a mixture of lemon and curd for severe tan.

4. Turmeric

Sun Tan

Turmeric is an integral part of Indian cuisine. It contains more than 300 antioxidants that are beneficial for overall health of an individual. It also helps fight acne, skin tanning, pigmentation, etc.
One could simply mix turmeric in water and apply it gently on the skin and then rinse. Regular use of this mixture will make the skin healthier and bring back the glow.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, these days has emerged as an elixir for every ailment. However, it has been available all this while in our gardens, parks and neighbourhoods. Aloe Vera is a one stop remedy for almost all skin and hair ailments. It is a great cooling agent. One can take Aloe Vera pulp and apply it raw on the skin to get rid of tan, sun burn, etc. It helps in not only reducing the effect of tan but also soothes burns and acne.

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