Joyous News

Apple gives more than 300 scholarships

The American company, Apple has started sending out notifications to the students and $TEM organisation members selected to receive a scholarship this year.


Apple Company

The Apple scholarship notifications feature the same Swift code typography used in the company’s WWDC 2016 announcement and accompanying promotional material.

Just like last year’s WWDC, this year also Apple made 350 scholarships available for people all aprons the world with giving travel assistance to more than 125 students.

WWDC scholarship are available to students aged 13 or older and members of participating organisations all around the world in order to promote science, technology, engineering and math education for young women and other ethnic groups.

World Wide Developers Conference, the annual conference of developers is taking place today at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. The conference will end on June 17.

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