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Anil Kapoor’s Jhakas Persona Receives Legal Protection: Court Safeguards Reputation and Image

Court protects actor Anil Kapoor's reputation and image from unauthorized commercial use. Justice Singh emphasizes the importance of safeguarding celebrity rights, issuing injunctions and blocking unauthorized links.

Court protects Anil Kapoor’s reputation and privacy in a legal battle over unauthorized use of his image and likeness, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding celebrities’ rights in the digital age.

Anil Kapoor, a famous actor, recently found himself in a legal battle over the unauthorized use of his image and likeness for commercial purposes. In this case, a single judge, Justice Prathiba Singh, issued an interim order to address the issue. The court’s decision highlights the importance of safeguarding a celebrity’s reputation and fame.

Anil Kapoor’s Case

In Anil Kapoor’s case, the court found that he had a strong argument for an injunction, a legal order to stop certain people and entities from using his name, image, voice, or any part of his persona for making money or any other unauthorized use.

The Downsides of Fame

Justice Singh pointed out that being famous has its disadvantages. In Kapoor’s case, his reputation and fame were being harmed by the unauthorized use of his image.

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Protecting a Celebrity’s Persona

The court recognized that with modern technology, anyone could misuse a celebrity’s image, voice, or persona, including through Artificial Intelligence. Celebrities have a right to privacy, and it’s not acceptable for their image and voice to be used in a negative way, such as on inappropriate websites.

Limits on Free Speech

While the court acknowledged the importance of free speech, it also emphasized that when speech goes too far and damages a person’s reputation, it becomes illegal. Using a celebrity’s name, voice, image, or words for making money without permission is not allowed.

The Value of Endorsements

The court also understood that a celebrity’s endorsement deals can be a major source of income. Therefore, any unauthorized or commercial use of their name, voice, or image is against the law.

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Protecting More Than Just the Celebrity

The court highlighted that misusing a celebrity’s name and image not only hurts the celebrity but also damages the reputation of other celebrities and actresses.

Blocking Unauthorized Links

Additionally, the court ordered internet providers to quickly remove links to videos that violated Kapoor’s rights. The Department of Telecommunications was also told to issue orders to block these links.

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Ajay Thakur

A curious learner with courage to gracefully accept shortcomings and work on same. A massive entertainment consumer myself Cinema,fashion,lifestyle and an active theatre participant.
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