
Menopause: Symptoms, causes, age and side effects And Know About best obstetrician in Hyderabad.

Discover more about menopause, including its signs and symptoms, causes, age of onset, and possible adverse consequences. Recognize how hormonal changes that take place throughout this normal life transition for women might affect their physical and mental health. Learn techniques for controlling symptoms and preserving general health during menopause. Keep yourself informed and in control as you move through this transformational stage and Learn where you will find the best obstetrician in Hyderabad.

Get Best obstetrician in Hyderabad & Understand menopause in detail

When a woman has gone 12 months without having her period and can no longer conceive naturally, menopause sets in. Although it can develop before or after this age range, it often starts between 45 and 55. Unpleasant symptoms of menopause include hot flashes and weight gain. However, most women do not require medical therapy for menopause. If you happen to experience severe symptoms, you can visit Parvati hospital where you will find the best obstetrician in Hyderabad

Symptoms of menopause: 

The menopause is a unique experience for every woman. Menopause that comes on quickly or gradually frequently has more severe symptoms. The severity and duration of symptoms often worsen under circumstances that affect the health of the ovary, such as cancer or hysterectomy, or under specific lifestyle conditions, such as smoking. However, the symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause are typically the same, except for variations in menstruation. The following are the leading early perimenopause symptoms: 

  • Reduced frequency of menstruation 
  •  Lighter or heavier periods than normal 
  •  Hot flushes or night sweats 
  •  Insomnia 
  •  Vaginal dryness 
  •  Anxiety 
  •  Difficulty in sleeping 
  •  Racing heart  

Causes of menopause: 

A woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone and releasing eggs naturally throughout menopause. As a result, a woman stops getting her period and loses her fertility when this happens. Menopause can also occur if a woman has her ovaries surgically removed or after chemotherapy or hormone therapy has been used to treat breast cancer. Other causes of menopause are: 

  • Estrogen and progesterone, the reproductive hormones that control menstrual cycles, naturally produced less. 
  • Complete hysterectomy, an operation that involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries, can result in menopause. This will be done if there are additional connected issues with the uterus or ovaries. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer patients can potentially cause menopause. 
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency, or premature menopause, is when the ovaries fail to produce adequate levels of reproductive hormones. 


 If your symptoms are severe or are impairing your quality of life, you might need therapy. Women under the age of 60 or within ten years of the beginning of menopause may benefit from hormone therapy to manage or decrease hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and osteoporosis. 

Read more:- Lifestyle Could Lead to Premature Menopause, Time to Visit Your Gynae

 Some home remedies to overcome these symptoms include: 

 1. Keeping calm and feeling at ease: 

 Wear loose, layered clothing, particularly at night and during warm or unpredictable weather. You can control heat flashes by doing this. You can lessen your likelihood of experiencing night sweats by keeping your bedroom cold and avoiding thick blankets at night. Consider placing a waterproof sheet below your comforter to shield your mattress if you frequently get night sweats. 

2. Expressing your demands: 

Read More- What is Premature Ovarian Failure?

 Discuss any emotions of despair, anxiety, melancholy, loneliness, insomnia, or identity changes with a therapist or psychologist. For them to understand your requirements, you should also try discussing your emotions of anxiety, mood fluctuations, or sadness with your family, loved ones, or friends. 

3. Taking care of sleep problems 

 Use over-the-counter sleeping pills to treat your insomnia temporarily or talk to your doctor about using natural sleep aids. If you frequently struggle with sleep, discuss it with your doctor so they can advise you on how to handle it and obtain a better night’s sleep. 

4. Reducing alcohol consumption and giving up smoking 

 Avoid secondhand smoke by quitting smoking. Your symptoms could get worse if you are exposed to cigarettes. Alcohol use should be restricted as well to prevent symptoms from getting worse. Your chance of developing health issues may increase if you drink heavily during menopause. 

 Final words: 

 Menopause signifies the end of fertility and is the natural termination or limitation of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Menopause typically occurs in women at the age of 52. However, it can happen suddenly earlier in life due to pelvic or ovarian injury. Early menopause may also be caused by underlying diseases or genetics. In the few years leading up to menopause, many women experience menopause symptoms, most frequently hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, and flushing.

After menopause, symptoms can last for four or more years. If your symptoms are severe or have a negative impact on your quality of life, you might benefit from treatment such as hormone therapy. Menopause symptoms can typically be controlled or lessened with natural remedies and lifestyle changes too

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