Foreign Affairs

Video Showing The Implosion of Titan Goes Viral

Implosion of Titan was because of the extreme pressure the submersible faced underwater. 

The Implosion of Titan Was Scary: Video Explains What Happened

The implosion of the Titan submarine was scary and now an animated video that shows exactly what happened has gone viral. In less than two weeks, the video has more than 12 million views. 

What is the Titan Submarine?

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The Titan was a submersible that imploded on 18th June 2023. It was created and operated by OceanGate and was transporting tourists to see the wreckage of the Titanic. 

Why did Titan implode?

The video explains the reason why the submersible imploded and how it would have taken only a fraction of milliseconds for the entire thing to take place. 

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The narrator in the video says-, “At the depth at which the Titanic rests, there is around 5600 pounds per square inch of pressure. That’s almost 400 times the pressure we experience on the surface. As the submersible is deep in the ocean, it experiences a force on its surface due to the water pressure. When this force becomes greater than the hull can withstand, the vessel implodes violently.” 

The six minutes twenty seconds animated video has helped bring into focus the issues with the submersible as well. The loss of the five people on board the Titan has been extremely disheartening and the company has to take some responsibility for the same. 

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Harshita Bajaj

Harshita has a background in Psychology and Criminology and is currently pursuing her PhD in Criminology. She can be found reading crime thrillers (or any other book for that matter) or binge-watching shows on Netflix when she is not in hibernation.
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