Foreign Affairs

Lahaina Residents Sue Hawaiian Electric for Wildfire Tragedy

Lahaina residents sue Hawaiian Electric for Maui wildfire tragedy. The lawsuit alleges negligence in preventing the fire's spread, highlighting the power lines' role. Complex aftermath and potential legal repercussions explored in the case.

Lahaina residents sue Hawaiian Electric for devastating Maui wildfire. Negligence alleged; power lines’ role scrutinized; aftermath complexities examined

In a significant legal development, five residents of Lahaina have taken legal action against Hawaiian Electric Industries, the largest electricity provider in Hawaii. The plaintiffs have lodged a lawsuit accusing the company of bearing responsibility for the devastating Maui wildfire catastrophe that resulted in the tragic loss of 99 lives, the destruction of numerous homes, and the scorching of over 11,000 acres just last week.

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The lawsuit contends that the corporation played a substantial role in the most severe wildfire experienced in the United States in over a century. It demands that Hawaiian Electric Industries be held liable for negligence, trespass, and nuisance. Singleton Schreiber, a San Diego and Wailuku-based law firm, filed the lawsuit on Monday. Gerald Singleton, the firm’s managing partner, underscored that the evidence they have gathered points to power lines as the ignition source of the fire.

Neglect Allegations Against Hawaiian Electric:

The lawsuit’s core argument centres on the assertion that Hawaiian Electric failed to take necessary precautions to prevent the fire’s spread. Despite ample time and expertise, the company purportedly neglected to de-energize their power lines or execute a “public power shutoff plan.” The lawsuit further alleges that the company’s ageing utility infrastructure, characterized by wooden poles and exposed power lines, is intrinsically prone to causing fires. Additionally, the plaintiffs claim that the company has displayed a track record of neglecting equipment maintenance and inspections, as well as overlooking the dry vegetation surrounding its power lines.

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According to the lawsuit, Hawaiian Electric disregarded warnings from local authorities and the National Weather Service regarding the heightened fire risk posed by Hurricane Dora. This storm, passing south of the state on August 9, brought strong and gusty easterly winds, prompting a “fire weather watch” and a red flag warning for dry regions.

Awaiting Hawaiian Electric’s response, Singleton highlighted that people are deeply frustrated and dismayed. He pointed out that the company had foreknowledge of the hurricane but did not take requisite preventive measures. The power was not shut off, and alternative strategies were not employed, leading to substantial loss and devastation.

The lawsuit underscores the intricate legal and ethical complexities surrounding public utilities’ responsibilities and preparedness in the face of natural disasters, further spotlighting the ramifications of neglect and their impact on individuals and communities.

Incredibly traumatic experience

In the aftermath of the Maui wildfire disaster, a group of plaintiffs consisting of homeowners, business owners, and renters who suffered property losses initiated a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric Industries. They aim to secure damages that would aid them in rebuilding and recuperating their losses incurred during the catastrophe.

Singleton, the managing partner of the law firm representing the plaintiffs, revealed that a growing number of individuals affected by the west Maui fires are approaching his firm to file similar lawsuits. He foresees the potential for a settlement, but he also anticipates challenges in determining the extent of the company’s financial capacity to pay damages, potentially even leading to bankruptcy.


While the plaintiffs themselves refrained from commenting on the ongoing legal proceedings, dissatisfaction among Maui residents regarding the handling and prevention of the fire has been palpable. Many, like Lianne Driessen, who lost her family home in the fire but isn’t part of the lawsuit, expressed frustration over the delayed and ongoing response to the disaster. She voiced her feelings of anger and uncertainty, reflecting a broader sentiment within the community.

Power Lines in Wildfire:

Individuals have recounted the initial phases of the wildfires, highlighting the role of power lines. Kyle Ellison, a resident who experienced the fire’s inception in his backyard, recalled witnessing strong winds leading to tree falls, accompanied by a distinct noise that seemed to originate from an electrical transformer. Within moments, internet connectivity vanished, and the air filled with smoke. While Ellison’s own home remained untouched, neighbouring houses suffered significant damage. He expressed his shock at the unprecedented magnitude of the disaster, having never encountered anything of such scale in his lifelong residency.

The lawsuit and the stories from residents underline the profound impact of the disaster on both personal and community levels. They also underscore the complex aftermath of such tragedies, encompassing legal, financial, and emotional dimensions that demand careful consideration and resolution.

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