
IFA 2015: more than smartphones

All the major tech manufacturers at the IFA 2015 are reflecting there will be more than the usual mobile launches to expect in the market very soon.

There was an abundant display of mobile wearables that are coming to the market soon to be potential, segment leaders. The evolution of the smartphone has come to its peak also as tug of war among manufacturers is realizing the customers are already asking what else can their phones do.

IFA 2015: more than smartphones

The Internet of Things, IoT is gaining momentum as manufacturers are finding ways to introduce to the customers to make their lives easier with smart applications.

Our living rooms will be converted into OLED 4k TV Display showrooms very soon. Even though there is a consistent decline in tablet sales, there were various tablets of various sizes being launched such as 17 inch tablet from Alcatel. There were more laptops and hybrids being launched since the arrival of Windows 10 and Intel Skylate.

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