
A Treasure To Own

Alpana Gujral, a jewelry designer known for her unique collection and blending ‘best of both worlds’ together in her designs, showcased her collection on 3rd and 4th of March 2014, in Lajpat Nagar. Her designs were based on theme of “spring”, wherein she has completely justified the theme through her forte in art, Jewelry. “One will be able to associate the vibrant colors and floral designs with the spring season. But spring also has another meaning as in to spring forward. It’s about moving and thinking ahead.” says Alpana Gujral.


Born and brought up in artistic family, Alpana Gujral who is daughter of one of the pioneers of Indian contemporary art, Satish Gujral, was never afraid of the usual expectations people had from her. She says “It was never about keeping up the name. It’s about finding your own path. I am blessed to have been surrounded with such talent growing up and have learned from the best.” She believes when people don’t set limits on themselves that is when they create art.


On wondering why she had chosen to be a Jewelry Designer, Alpana told One World News that it was never in her plans. “I started out doing interior design and it was a natural transition and not something that was planned. Creativity is fluid.” She added.


Her parents, father for his artistic vision and perseverance; mother for her eternal style and grace, were her inspiration for creative thought process behind her designs, which are a modern vision of traditional styles. “It’s current yet classic” says Alpana Gujral.

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Apart from the love she has for her art in designing jewelry, she truly believes that jewelry is something that has special space in hearts of women, beyond being just another accessory of enhancing beauty. “I think jewelry is very important for women. There is a lot of emotion that lies behind jewelry. There is a reason why jewelry is passed down from generation to generation. It’s also a platform for bonding when mothers and daughters shop for their bridal trousseau. And honestly, women feel good wearing it and that’s the most important part.” says Alpana Gujral. On being asked what makes jewelry priceless, she said “Jewelry has value but the sentiment makes it priceless.”


Ending the interview Alpana Gujral talks about how jewelry leads to spiritual enlightment- “Spiritual enlightenment for me is all about personal growth and development and that’s both on an inner level as well as external. It’s about looking and feeling your best.


It’s also about looking beyond the surface. Jewelry is a vehicle innately designed to express love. That’s why jewelry is given in weddings such as a ring which is a pledge to commitment. Or necklaces like the mangalsutra to represent marriage. Or why jewelry is given to mark anniversaries. It captures the moment and translates love.


It’s important to look beyond the surface and recognize the underlying meaning.”


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