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What do you understand by sexercise? Explained here.

What are the health benefits of sexercise? How it can be beneficial for couples?

Nowadays a new term has come in the world of health and fitness, which we know as exercise. The term sexercise is made up of two words. Whether it is a matter of common life or to perform better in any area, exercise has its own importance. Exercising daily makes you healthy as well as strong. Not only this, by exercising, pleasure hormones are also released, due to which a physically active person remains happier than others. That is why it is very important to make exercise a part of your routine. People of any gender can do any exercise they want, as well as assume any position or role in the bedroom that they desire, so long as everyone involved gives consent.


How sexercise can help in your fitness level and even enhance your relationship?

Physical fitness and sex are closely related. Regular exercisers have a better sex drive than ordinary people. Testosterone is found in good quantity in the body of men who are physically active. Exercise helps in activating the sex desire inside you. Certain types of exercise can increase your sexual performance and desire. While exercising on the one hand keeps your core and body stamina fine, not only this, it brings flexibility to your body. And the same experiences come in handy during sex.

What are the sex exercises which will be beneficial for couples?

You must include aerobics in your exercise routines such as running, cycling, Zumba, and brisk walking. This not only keeps your heart in good health but also increases the circulation of blood. Due to this, blood reaches all the parts of the body faster and helps the lower body parts. Not only this, stamina increases, which is very important for a better sex experience.

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1. Aerobics: Aerobic is a good option for a full-body workout. This improves blood circulation, which is also good for sexual relationships. Exercises like cycling, running, jumping in aerobic increase the stamina of the body. Due to stamina increase, it is also beneficial for our sexual experience.

2. Yoga: Many people will be confused about how yoga can help with sex drive. But yoga and meditation release stress. Let us tell you that nowadays stress is the biggest reason behind the decrease or end of sexual drive. That’s why yoga helps. Not only this, doing yoga increases the flexibility in the body, which is a good thing for a better sexual experience.

3. Weight training: For sexual intercourse, it is necessary to have both strength and stamina in the body. That’s why weight training is a good option. If you have strength in your body then your bedroom performance will be good. For this, you can choose a bench press and deadlifts. Start with low weight weights, increase it gradually, and then you will get used to the exercise. Try to exercise for at least half an hour daily, which will keep your physical fitness and sex-drive will not be affected at all.

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4. Plank: Apart from this, including a plank in your routine. This exercise is good for the whole body. Thirty seconds to one minute plank will make your whole body strong.

5. Pelvic floor exercise: Squats are an effective exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, apart from being a go-to for targeting the lower body and toning your butt. This will surely improve your sex drive. So you must try these exercises and it will be beneficial for you and your partner.

So you need to exercise and this will surely boost your sex life. Physical fitness can affect sexuality by making sex easier and more comfortable, reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) and arousal issues, and helping people feel more confident in their bodies. Exercise may also reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, that can cause sexual issues.

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Jagisha Arora

MA in History and has worked as a freelance writer. She writes on issues of gender, caste and democracy.
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