
Is Cold Weather Workout leading to sore muscles? Here are all the things that you should be doing

Cold Weather may lead to muscle soreness while workout. Here is how you can deal with it


Are you the one who is frustrated by the fact that even after not being particularly out of shape and even after having a schedule of regularly exercising and you have been finding it hard to actually pull off any extra inch in your daily work out schedules with the dropping temperature? Are you the one who is finding exercising to be too hard and your muscles to be too tired post-workout? If yes, you are probably. If yes, then this piece is written for you.

Well, cold weather does lead to muscle soreness, and it may remain the way for several days if not taken care of. Well, you might be wondering why is it even occurring even when you don’t have arthritis or any such disorder, but trust us, it is normal and can be cured off very easily. The basic reason behind it is the fact that during winters, the cold weather makes the muscle contract by losing more heat, which causes tightness in the body. With this, the joints get tighter, and muscles lose their range of motion leading to the soreness of the muscles.

Read more: Benefits of running: Why running is the best remedy to all your health problems?

muscle sore

Here are the simple ways through which you can get rid of muscle soreness


Doing a proper warm-up session

A lot of people stay in a rush and they don’t want to skip the exercising and heavy workout part. But where they try to cut time is from the warm-up sessions. My people don’t do a proper warm-up session before starting their exercising and this definitely leads to muscle soreness as it doesn’t allow the muscles to have that time and space to actually get prepared for the heavy work out.


Exercising Even if your muscles are sore

Well, this might sound like something not very right but trust us, this makes the muscle gets to loosen up on its own and makes it flush off the lactic acid that might be causing the harm.


Taking a shower with warm water

To relax your contract muscles, you would require warmth. Just in case you were thinking that you take shower just to clean yourself, here we are with the benefit of bathing. And trust us, it will be a real cure for muscle soreness as it helps in decreasing the inflammation of muscles post lockdown.


Not cutting out the resting time

A lot of people prefer to straight away start getting ready post-workout but that is honestly not the right thing to do. After a workout, the body needs some rest to come back to its normal state where it could work without any tiredness. Hence, one must give a fixed amount of resting time to oneself post-workout.


Keeping oneself hydrated

In winters, people generally forget to drink water as the urge for the same is lesser than regular. And this often affects the functioning of the body. Your muscle cells need water when you workout and it is dehydration that could be one reason for muscle soreness.

These are a few things that you need to check upon if you want to get rid of muscle soreness after your winter workout. Hoping for your health. Happy Winters!

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Ishika Aggarwal

Can write, shoot, listen, talk and procrastinate. A feminist at heart, Ishika is an avid writer and multimedia person who loves talking about women, realism, and society. When not working she is either seen watching films or making one.
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