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Self-driven automobiles by Toyota by 2020

Self-driven automobiles by Toyota by 2020

Self-driven automobiles by Toyota by 2020:- In an effort to counter the token of Google’s aggressive openings in the autonomous transportation sector, Toyota on Tuesday has announced that it has planned to produce fully capable self-driving automobiles by 2020.

According to a leading journal, Toyota specifically termed “automated driving” to describe its new venture, which allows the vehicles to get on and off the road and change lanes without the driver input. The technology was previously referred to “advanced driver support.”

Toyota Logo
Toyota Logo

All by the engineer

“We were scared that by using the term ‘automated driving,’ people would sort-of misunderstand the technology and think that humans are not involved at all,” said Masahiro Iwasaki, an engineer involved in the development of the upcoming technology.

While demonstrating the newest safety technology features to the media on Tuesday, Japan’s biggest automaker said that in the ‘car of the future’, drivers will be able to turn the auto-pilot mode on and off with just a single switch.

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“We spent a lot of time developing the technology. We have the greatest of advantages and we want to maintain them as we walk forward,” said Moritaka Yoshida, Toyota’s chief safety executive, on Tuesday while introducing the self-driving cars.

Toyota also demonstrated another of its futuristic automated technology called the Intelligent Transportation System, which the company has been testing on roads in the Toyota city area and Tokyo.

The self-driven car by Toyota
The self-driven car by Toyota

What reports suggest?

According to reports, a vehicle fully equipped with ITS technology communicates with the sensory-transmission equipments at street corners which would further detect coming in cars, as well as the pedestrians, and then it warns the vehicle through data transmission. The warning appears as a picture on the dashboard, and the car produces a sound, which is helpful in alerting the drivers to cars and pedestrians that pop out from different spots.

In addition to the Google’s self-driving cars, Toyota faces competition closer at home from Nissan, which has also demonstrated its car-detection technology on Yokohama roads using a completely different beaming technology. Toyota’s new transmission system uses a different standard which will be open for the use by all automakers in Japan.

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