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People emotionally abused in a relationship love differently, Here are the Signs

People emotionally abused in a relationship love differently, Here are the Signs

Emotional abuse could be destructive

When it comes to your abusive relationships, it is not always just physical abuse. While this is not meant to detract from the issue of the domestic abuse that far so many women have suffered (and still suffer), it is to address the fact that the emotional abuse can be just as damaging, but in some completely different ways.

We know that it is hard to love again after you have been manipulated, controlled,put down, belittled, and made to feel worthless by someone who was supposed to love you and care about you.

Emotional abuse can be damaging
Emotional abuse can be damaging

As someone who is been emotionally abused in the past and can now clearly see it, People can even see how it changed the entire idea of relationships and approach to love for him or her. Here are five ways those of us who have been emotionally abused love differently:

1. Keep the distance longer than most

Even if they think they are really into you, they are going to keep distance. They will keep you at arm’s length, might not text you back immediately, and definitely who want to spend too much time with you. They just don’t want to get too close.

2. They will take it slow

They do not mean just physically slow, but emotionally and mentally slow. Like a wounded puppy, it is hard not to proceed with caution. It is just an instinctual way of further protecting themselves from any further harm.

People emotionally abused in a relationship love differently
People emotionally abused in a relationship love differently


3. They will be hesitant about getting to know the people in your life

When you start to get to know about their friends and family of the person you are in a relationship with, it means things are advancing to seriousness. It also means that your lives are becoming more and more intertwined. It can feel a bit scary, so they proceed with caution.

5. They will assume the worst (but hope for the best).

When you have been mistreated by someone you love, you automatically tend to build up a wall around your heart. You become more guarded, protective, and you hand out your love in pieces, bit by bit. Because this is the case, they naturally assume that things won’t last or that they will be hurt again.

Of course, they hope it would not be reminiscent of the past, but we do assume the worst longer than most. It’s simply a coping mechanism, and one that works for many of us.

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