Joyous News

New patent that could stop you to record with your iPhone

Snapping a video using the iPhone’s camera is as easy as pressing the record button. But a new patent could restrict your ability to freely take pictures and video, according to various press reports.

A new patent recently granted to Apple, could turn the camera on your iPhone in certain concert halls and other places, reports say.

The technology works using infrared emitters, which can temporarily stop the recording capabilities of mobile devices, according to NPR.


Iphone camera

While technology can be used to enforce the policy and can give users a multimedia experience, the debate is being prepared on the potential of the patent to limit freedom of expression.

If issuers were installed in public spaces, for example, activists and protesters could technically be closed.

For now, many uses of the patent are is still only hypothetical.

Apple has not yet commented on the approval of the patent, and other questions about the new technology still remain.

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