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Interview Etiquette: How to handle an interview like a pro!

Tackle an interview like a pro: Here is how?

Your qualifications and skills are only a part of what the company is looking for during conducting an interview. In many cases, getting job depends on how do you behave and face the interview like what you do, what you say, and how you say it. If you are presenting yourself for an interview, it’s really not enough to have a sparkling CV and all the key facts about the company and the position you are applying for at your fingertips. You also need to know how to prepare yourself correctly to ensure to make a good impression on the interviewer.

Facing an interview

Related : Be a desirable candidate: 10 tips to handle interview like a Pro!

Here are some tips to behave in an interview:-

Body language: – Your body language communicates almost as much information as what you are actually saying. Your opinions and attitude could be easily reflected through your body language. The more positive you feel about the interview and your abilities, the more nicely you will represent yourself through your body language.

Always be on time:-If you will be late, show that you are respectful of the interviewer’s time. Call to say when you’ll be arriving.

Greet the interviewer:-Your greeting is likely to be your first face-to-face interaction and eye-contact with your interviewer. So it will be vital that you get it correctly.

Dressed-up properly: – Your dressing sense can address your real personality, and when you dress up too casually or too formally, the situation can become uncomfortable.

Style your hair neatly: Men should avoid using so much hair products because excessive gel or wax can make you look unprofessional. Women should be brushed her hair and under control. If you have long hair, it should be tied back or better still, cut.

Dress-up well

Sit properly:- In most of the interviews, you’ll almost sit on a chair and face the interviewer. You should make your position attentive so that you look conscious and can be comfortable for a lengthy period of time.

Don’t use phone:- If you are in an interview you should avoid using your mobile and other electronic devices turned completely off. A phone set to vibrate will interrupt the meeting and it won’t give a good impression on an interviewer.

Leave a good impression:- The biggest mistake you can do is to assume the interview is over and will make the first move towards leaving. But you should wait for his call because when the interview is over, the interviewer will make it clear. Then you should thank them for their precious time, but without rushing or tripping over.

Here are five simple rules for facing any interview question:-

1. Ask for clarification (if needed) – An interviewer will not deny repeating his questions; in fact, he or she may be impressed that you took the time to ask to make it clear.

2. Be Honest- Never claim a skill that you don’t have. If you believe you are lacking a critical skill, tell the hiring manager that you haven’t had the opportunity to use that skill yet, but you are eager to learn that.

3. Stay true to your message- Prepare yourself and focus on the reasons the company should hire you. Which kind of skills and qualifications do you have that can be used by this company?

4. Avoid such topics that can create a trouble- These typically include things in your personal life, such as your marital status, age, religion, or political beliefs.

5. Use clear language. Speak slowly and give the answer carefully to make sure your words are being understood.

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