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Hungarian Folk Art


Hungarian Folk Art


The Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre (HICC) recently exhibited Hungarian Folk Art. The items on display included pottery work, linen paintings, colourful egg paintings etcetera. Hungarian Folk Art has an ancient history textured to it. The items displayed gave a little idea of the vast folk tradition that Hungary has. The similarity with Indian folk art is striking. The colourful textures displayed were simply beautiful.

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Hungary’s folk art grew and formed in the Carpathian Basin of Central Europe. It is one of the most colourful and ancient folk traditions in the world. The roots of Hungary’s folk art go back to Asia where the Hungarians once lived. From the beautiful work one can get the idea about the life style, work culture, the joys and sorrows of everyday life in olden days. Hungarian folk art is revered worldwide. ‘Halasi’ lace work is a unique art in its intricate technique and ‘Kaloscai’ shows up pottery and wall paintings. The majority of Hungarian art is done on linen.


Picture Credits : Neel Kamal PAndey, OneWorldNews


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