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Gyming is not the only way to stay healthy: Here are few things that will keep you fit!

If you don’t like to go to gym just say ‘NO’ to it

Well, gyming is not the only way to stay healthy and fit. There are many other ways but most of us belive that going to gym on a regular basis can make you fit Joining a gym at a fix time is also a focused way of doing your daily exercise. But it is not the only way to lose your weight and stay fit. By making some changes in your daily routine, you can achieve a fit and toned body. It will also save your gym time and money.

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Couple picture

Here are some easy ways to stay healthy.

Try some home exercise

Skipping, Squats, Jumps, Stomach crunches, Sit-ups and Push-ups are few simple exercises that you can do easily at your home. You can do even Yoga also at your place to tone up your body muscles and build strenght and stamina.

Walk as much as you can

Doctors recommend a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Walk more and more if possible. You can walk even you are speaking or talking on your mobile phone. If you need a transport to go to your office, then park your vehicle 1km away to your office or workplace, so that you can walk more steps. You can buy a pedometer or download a smartphone app to count your daily steps to motivate yourself.

Office exercise

Find some ways of exercise instead of sitting and staring at your computer screen all day at your workplace. You can use your water bottle to stretch your arms and you can also stretch out your legs too at your desks or table. Use stairs instead of using lift to go for a few floors at least.

Jogging with pets

Run more

Running and jogging daily is a great way to be in size. It affects your whole body and build much stamina. You can make it a social activity to go with your friends and colleagues. But for this, you will need a good sports pair of shoes.

Do your household chores

Sweeping, Mopping, Dusting, Gardening are the daily household chores to stay fit and healthy. Do it faster as much as you can for better impact. Firstly, you should avoid sitting for too long. Only standing can stretch your back muscles and help you to lose 33% more calories.

Try some fun ways

If you are having your pet then you can go with them for a morning or evening walk. You can also join some sports like cricket, foootball or basketball. Either you can swimming or dancing while exercising. You can play your favourite music to burn some calories.

You should follow these habits to stay toned and healthy. It doesn’t take much of your time or affect your daily routine. So go ahead and try these simple tricks to be active. By trying these simple hack you can lead a healthy life but to reap benefits you need to practise them on a regular basis.

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