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Why men cannot handle empowered women?

If not me, then who? If not now, then when?

According to me, all the women alone have power but together they make an impact. Empowering women isn’t about females being treated better than men rather it is about equality and believing in the power of women just as much as anybody else. It seeks to raise a question about both the safety of a 15-year-old teenage girl and that of a woman who is a sex worker. I believe, “It is not women who need empowerment, its men who can not handle empowered women.” Being a woman I come across so many spheres of life where women are pulled down, be it a woman driving a car on the road or a woman doing exceptionally well at a workplace, generally we are prone to critics. We are already in the 21st century and it is a high time now that we should strive to build a gender-equitable society which focuses on male empowerment too. Women of today are excelling in every field but still, there are some disparities which still exists.

Here are some root causes of such differences: 

1. Charity begins at home

It is well-said charity begins at home. The person we are shaped into too much depend on how we have been brought up.

2. Societal pressure

A man’s worth is still to a significant degree determined by his income. Traditionally men are regarded as the breadwinners of the family. The pressure remains on the man in the family to be the primary provider. A lot of times when they even want to share responsibilities, society makes a pressure on them to be always better than women.

Read more: 5 Reasons Why Richa Anirudh is an inspiration for women like us?

3. Opinions from the opposite sex scare them

According to men, they are more good at finances, politics, office work etc. Generally, receiving tough competition from the opposite gender pisses them off.

4. Being the first gender

Women are considered as the second gender and males are the first gender. The ego clashes arise between them. Even if women are doing something really good in a particular field it will be hard for some males to accept it.

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