
Doomscrolling: What bad news does to us

Doomscrolling is a widespread phenomenon in today’s world where we are so content-driven. But, it has serious mental health implications, making it something we should all be careful about.

Doomscrolling: What bad news does to us

In today’s world, we are constantly surrounded by content. However, there is no filtering of the content that we consume. It can be something entertaining, something light to something extremely negative. And here is where the term doomscrolling comes into play. 

What is doomscrolling?

Doom scrolling refers to the habit of continuously scrolling through negative news or distressing content on social media, news websites, or any other online platform. It includes the cycle of consuming an endless stream of negative information and this consumption of negative content can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and even depression. 

How does doom scrolling affect us? What does this bad news do to us? Let us find out.

  1. It increases our stress and anxiety

 Constant exposure to distressing news around us can increase our stress levels. The barrage of negative information triggers stress responses in our bodies, leading to a heightened sense of anxiety and even a sense of helplessness.

2.This has a huge impact on mental health

Imagine being constantly surrounded by something negative, reading about it, and thinking about it. For those who already suffer from mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, it becomes extremely difficult for them to maintain a positive outlook in this negative scenario. 

3. Disturbed sleep pattern

Consuming negative information throughout the day or right before going to sleep can also impact how we sleep and lead to broken sleep or nightmares and difficulty in being able to relax. 

4. Reduced positivity and focus

Constantly checking for updates or scrolling through negative news content can distract us from actually focusing on our tasks, which will impact productivity and concentration levels. 

5. A negative outlook on life 

Constant exposure to negative news will automatically translate into feelings of negativity in life. You will start looking at things from a very negative perspective and always think of the worst 

6. Physical health impact

The chronic stress due to doomscrolling can also have an impact on physical health which can further decrease our immunity and overall well-being. 

The Science Behind Doomscrolling 

But how do we mitigate the impact of doom scrolling? How to stop Doomscrolling?

 #1 Set boundaries, and limit exposure to negative news content 

#2. Engage in active research. Promote mental well-being, such as mindfulness exercises, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative hobbies 

#3 You should also be very particular about the news content you can consume and look at reliable news sources.

 #4 Checking for updates only at a particular time. Making sure that you block off all the negative sites and select an allocated time to check for news is also a good way to prevent doomscrolling.

 #5 You can always keep a lock on your phone or apps that automatically lock you out if you spend more than 10 or 15 minutes on news channels or watching negative videos.

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Harshita Bajaj

Harshita has a background in Psychology and Criminology and is currently pursuing her PhD in Criminology. She can be found reading crime thrillers (or any other book for that matter) or binge-watching shows on Netflix when she is not in hibernation.
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