Women Talk

Discover the Top 5 Natural Home Remedies for Treating Vaginal Itching Effectively

Treatment for vaginal itching and vulva will be determined by the cause. Home cures, such as adding baking soda or oatmeal may be helpful.

5 Best And Effective Home Remedies For Treating Vaginal Itching Naturally

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A 2015 research Source, including 29 women, has shown that oatmeal extract effectively decreases the male trait itch more than a placebo.

Yogurt and honey

Studies demonstrated that yogurt plus honey mixture can kill harmful microbe (responsible for the vaginal itching) either at the tissues on the vulva or in the vaginal tract.

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Bath oil

While it is true that even individually-prepared bath oil may be irritating for the area, it is recommended to use the bath oil that does not contain fragrance.

Baking soda

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A 2015 Study voiced out that there’s uncertainty in what is most likely is its effectiveness and may cause severe effects like burns and allergic reactions.

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