Beauty & Skincare

Do You Want Glowy Skin? Try These Yogurt Face Masks

Yogurt is a mineral rich food, source for zinc and lactic acid, vitamin B and calcium, that removes dead skin cells, and also helps in reducing inflammation. Thus, using a yogurt face mask will enhance your skin.

5 Yogurt Face Masks To Use Every Week For Glowy Skin In Summers

Yogurt has many uses and good things for it, and as well as using it as an ingredient when cooking, people can also put it on their face, body and hair. The summer heat is undoubtedly exhausting; hence, the need to have good skin care cannot be overstated. Surprisingly using yogurt facemask for your skin will do miracles.

Yogurt and strawberry face mask

Yogurt and strawberry face mask is one of the best treatments for skin brightening and acne.To make the mix you’ll need two ripe strawberries, mash them in a bowl until everything is well blended. Place one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of yogurt into the small bowl. Stir it well, then apply it on your face and wait for the next 15 minutes.

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Yogurt and oatmeal mask

Neither the yogurt nor the oatmeal is harmed. You can take one teaspoon of yogurt and then add one teaspoon of oatmeal to it. Now add the teaspoon of honey to this mixture. Do not resort to honey substitute. Put the mixture onto your face. It will aid in cleansing and finely brush it out of the skin.

Yogurt and honey face pack

Yogurt and honey are in-fact both very much applicable in giving the skin moisture. Moreover, besides keeping the body clean, yogurt also removes the toxic metabolites. To make a pack, take two teaspoons of the yogurt, and add one small teaspoon of the honey to them and mix them well until the paste turns to smooth. For the mask to be effective, wear it for about 10 minutes and finally rinse with warm water.

Yogurt and gram flour pack

If your aim is you want something on your skin that shines call the name of the yogurt and flour. Now take a teaspoon of curd and add a teaspoon of gram flour powder or if you don’t have gram flour powder then take one teaspoon of gram flour lumps. Put the layer on and immersed it in water for about 15 minutes. After that, you should rinse it well.

Yogurt and cucumber pack

Cut a cucumber into two parts. Then choose any of the methods you like and peel it. Process only half of it and squeeze in one tbsp. of curd.Continue stirring till all the ingredients combine well to form a dough-like paste. Its radiance will sweep out the dark circles and illuminate your face by rejuvenating it fully.

Benefit of using Yogurt Facemask –

Battles Acne

Similarly, if you apply the toothpaste on a pimple and wait for the pimple to pop, you can do the same by applying some yogurt and waiting for 15 minutes. Then, you are going to make sure you carefully rinse the yogurt out using warm water (not hot water). Do it then, at least 3 times a week, to observe the real difference.

Yogurt is a mineral rich food, source for zinc and lactic acid, vitamin B and calcium, that removes dead skin cells, and also helps in reducing inflammation. Thus, using a yogurt face mask will enhance your skin.

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