Travel & Leisure

A Relief At Village

A thought which comes to our mind whenever we talk about a rural area is “a place where peace is spread everywhere, greenery is so much that sometimes it seems a painting, a natural fragrance of soil and animals that live like a family member.”


Juan Rulfo in his novel Pedro Páramo writes, “There you’ll find the place I love most in the world. The place where I grew thin from dreaming. My village, rising from the plain. Shaded with trees and leaves like a piggy bank filled with memories. You’ll see why a person would want to live there forever. Dawn, morning, mid-day, night: all the same, except for the changes in the air. The air changes the color of things there. And life whirs by as quiet as a murmur…the pure murmuring of life.”

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If you are planning to visit any place where you can live relaxing on the lap of nature, then any rural area is the best suitable place for you.


In the crowded cities and towns we often miss a place where we can observe the beauty of nature. Sometimes technology is not everything, our body needs relax, and even a natural relax.


“I have been living in Delhi for forty years, but still it has not impressed me that much to forget my own village” says Mukesh (a labour at a factory). He adds “At village it seems as if breeze is talking to you and it will walk along with you till you reach your destination. People live there like a family, they understand each other’s problems and help in many matters but at city we don’t even know each other well. So, if given chance I would love to go back to my village rather than being here for the rest of my life.”

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Now, you would say what is there to watch and observe?


You will find many attractive places to watch in a rural area, like a farmer caring for his crops a whole day, a tree which drops mangoes when the season comes and many more what nature provides.


In our so called developed towns and cities, we have forgotten to respect nature and environment, but in rural areas people still are dependent on the environment, even for their livelihood.


And also it is not a big issue to find any rural area; In fact you can find many villages nearby your own developed city or town.


Image Courtesy : Sagar Sharma


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