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End Of Call Forwarding Scams? DoT ‘Temporarily’ Suspends Call Forwarding Via USSD Codes In India | Details

DoT suspends USSD-based call forwarding in India to curb scams. Measures aim to protect users from fraudulent activities.

Navigating the Telecommunications Landscape: DoT’s Call Forwarding Suspension in India

In a proactive move to tackle the rising menace of call forwarding scams, the Department of Telecom (DoT) has mandated a suspension of existing USSD-based call forwarding services effective April 15, 2024. This temporary measure is aimed at curbing fraudulent activities facilitated through misuse of this service. Let’s delve into the details of this significant development.

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Understanding the Directive

The recent surge in call forwarding scams has prompted DoT to take decisive action. The directive to suspend USSD-based call forwarding services signifies a crucial step towards safeguarding telecom users from falling prey to fraudulent schemes. While this suspension is temporary in nature, its implications are far-reaching in the ongoing battle against cybercrime.

End Of Call Forwarding Scams? DoT 'Temporarily' Suspends Call Forwarding Via USSD Codes In India To Stop 'Misuse' | Details Inside

Implications for Telecom Users

Effective April 15, 2024, telecom subscribers will no longer be able to utilize USSD codes for initiating call forwarding services. This measure specifically targets the misuse of USSD-based call forwarding, which has been exploited by cybercriminals for unlawful purposes. While this may inconvenience some users, it ultimately serves to enhance the security and integrity of telecom services.

DoT Issues Order Seeking Temporary Suspension of USSD-Based Call Forwarding Facility | Technology News

Rationale Behind the Suspension

The decision to suspend USSD-based call forwarding services stems from the alarming instances of misuse observed by DoT. Cybercriminals have increasingly utilized this service as a means to perpetrate fraudulent activities, posing significant risks to unsuspecting users. By temporarily halting these services, DoT aims to disrupt the modus operandi of such malicious actors and mitigate potential harm to consumers.

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Mitigating Risks of Fraudulent Activities

The suspension of USSD-based call forwarding services aligns with DoT’s broader objective of safeguarding the interests of telecom users. By proactively addressing vulnerabilities within the telecom infrastructure, regulatory authorities aim to bolster consumer confidence and trust in telecommunications services. This concerted effort underscores the importance of proactive measures in combating evolving threats in the digital landscape.

Ensuring User Awareness and Engagement

In addition to suspending existing USSD-based call forwarding services, DoT emphasizes the importance of user awareness and engagement. Subscribers who have previously activated call forwarding via USSD codes may be required to reconfigure the service through alternative channels. This ensures that users remain informed and actively participate in securing their telecom accounts against unauthorized access.

Collaborative Approach to Cybersecurity

The directive issued by DoT reflects a collaborative approach to cybersecurity involving regulatory authorities, telecom operators, and end-users. By fostering cooperation and information sharing among stakeholders, regulatory bodies can effectively identify and address emerging threats in real-time. This coordinated effort is essential in staying ahead of cybercriminals and safeguarding the integrity of telecom networks.

Public Awareness Initiatives

In conjunction with the suspension of USSD-based call forwarding services, DoT has initiated public awareness campaigns to educate users about the risks associated with fraudulent activities. Through targeted outreach programs and informational resources, telecom subscribers are empowered to recognize and report suspicious behavior promptly. This proactive stance serves as a deterrent to cybercrime and fosters a culture of cybersecurity consciousness among consumers.

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The temporary suspension of USSD-based call forwarding services by DoT marks a significant milestone in the ongoing fight against call forwarding scams and other forms of telecom fraud. By prioritizing consumer protection and security, regulatory authorities underscore their commitment to fostering a safe and trustworthy telecommunications ecosystem. Department of Telecom, India, USSD, call forwarding suspension, cybercrime prevention, telecommunications security, regulatory measures, consumer protection, fraud mitigation, public awareness campaigns, collaborative cybersecurity efforts, telecom operators, user engagement. As we navigate the complexities of an increasingly digitized world, collaborative efforts and proactive measures are paramount in safeguarding against emerging cyber threats

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