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7 Indian superstitions and the logic behind them!

“Touch wood”: Indian Superstitions and possible logics behind them

India is a country of rituals. We Indians do believe in a lot of things that are often called superstitions. But do these Indian superstitions carry any logic?Well, of course yes they do. India is a country where traditions breathe comfortably, where every second person is spiritual. We find ourselves in middle of the confusing state. On the one part, we question these superstitions and on the other hand, we accept them blindly. So what is the truth behind Indian Superstitions?

Superstitions in India
Superstitions in India(Indian superstitions)

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With the passage of time people came to know about the logic that these superstitions carry. Here is list of  top 7  Indian superstitions and possible logic behind them. So don’t follow them blindly:

1. Don’t step out during an eclipse it may affect your eyes

If you find this thing as a superstition, then you should know the logic behind it. Observing the Sun during a solar eclipse can cause retinal burns or eclipse blindness. So based on observations our ancestors concluded that one should not step out during an eclipse.

2. Do not sleep with your head facing the North- Preventing cardiovascular diseases

Elders of the family always tell us not to sleep facing head to North. All we can say is our ancestors must know about the relationship between Earth’s magnetic field and the human body’s field (bio magnetism). They made this rule of sleeping with your head towards South direction  because of the harmful effects related to blood pressure, and other diseases that asymmetry with the Earth’s magnetic field would create. However, today we only get to hear that ‘sleeping with one’s head in the north invites death.’

3. A girl should avoid certain things when her aunt comes

A girl should avoid doing certain things when she is menstruating not because she is considered impure but because of pain, she goes through. The first sanitary pads were invented in the year 1896, while commercial painkillers were not available before the 20th century. Before that, the five stressful days of menstruation which consists of cramps and pain for many women were dealt with Indian medicines. Therefore, women did not work during those days because of discomfort and slowly this became a ritual and now it is among one of the biggest Indian Superstitions.

There are logics behind them
There are logics behind them(Indian superstitions)

4. Don’t go near Peepal tree in night – Avoid inhaling carbon dioxide

Peepal tree is not a residence of the ghost. Before that, the world was clueless about the relation between sunlight, carbon dioxide that magically produces glucose for plants. Our ancestors probably knew about photosynthesis and the effects of inhaling carbon dioxide in the night. Our ancestors and elders tell us not to go near peepal tree in the night, so that we can avoid inhaling carbon dioxide.

5. Using combination of green chillies and lemon to avoid ‘buri nazar’

This is the most common Indian Superstitions that every other Indian believe. The nimbu totka which is one of the most visible ‘ Indian superstitions’ probably stems from a culture that encouraged their use because of the qualities of lemon and chili. Both the vegetables are highly rich in different vitamins, and thus our ancestors use those for different purposes which gradually changed to totka.

We should not follow them blindly
We should not follow them blindly(Indian superstitions)

6. Bath after attending funeral

We Indians perform this ritual. Whenever we attend someone’s funeral it’s compulsory to take bath after attending it. Always remember our ancestors did not have the vaccination against hepatitis, smallpox and other deadly diseases. Hence, they come up with a set of rituals to be followed after the funeral rites are performed so as to prevent infection from the dead body.

7. Don’t wash hair on certain days

We Indians avoid washing hair on certain says like Tuesday and Thursday. The logic behind this practice is of saving water. The practice of not washing the hair on certain days like Tuesday or Thursday are attributed by some to the water management practices.

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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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