
5 recipes to cook when there’s nothing in the fridge

No groceries? No worries, here are easy to make recipes

Everyone has gone through the feeling of’ “what to cook?” before every meal. Not only this but sometimes you hardly have a well-stocked pantry, or refrigerator either. Believe it or not, you no more have to make a rushed run to the grocery stores. There are many different options that you can make for dinner if you have just a few things in the pantry. You might not believe would or could come together to create anything all that exciting , but with few ingredients and a little hardwork you can make something really great.

Here are the 5 recipes to cook when there’s nothing in the fridge

1.    Bread Pizza

What’s better than pizza? If not the real pizza you can always have the desi style bread pizza. If you have bread in your fridge just grab them and add to that cheese, tomatoes, chillies and whatever veggies you want.

2.    Bread Upma

The bread is actually the Jane of all. The versatile bread helps us cook another amazing dish. You can make toasted bread pan fried with Indian spices and vegetables which are available with you. Garnish it with greens to make yourself drool.

Read more: 5 Pocket Friendly Food ideas

3.    Fruit Chaat

Going out of groceries can also turn into a healthy diet. If you have got few fruits at your home toss them together and prepare your tasty fruit chaat. Trust us you can never have enough of this!

4.    Monaco Canape

Indians are known for their jugaad always. We can create our appetizer from a mere biscuit. All you need is a lot of Monaco biscuit and mayo or any cheese dip.

5.    Microwave Eggs (Anyway, Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao ande!)

All you need is, a coffee mug, two eggs, milk and salt. Just whisk everything together and microwave for three minutes (or less, be very careful because you don’t want the eggs to explode).

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