
Weekend Special: Healing Powers of Coconut Oil

Here are the 3 ways to utilize the magic and  healing powers of coconut oil

Coconut oil is an integral part of Indian culture. Be it for cooking, skincare, hair, even treating an allergy, coconut oil is used for so many things. While growing up, we all have got coconut oil champi from our mother. In fact, it is highly recommended for long, soft and healthy hair. We all have heard about the benefits of applying coconut oil. But are you aware of the healing powers of coconut oil? Here is how you can use it in three different ways! Read the article and thank us later for recommending it to you. 

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Use it as a mouthwash to detoxify 

Very few know that coconut oil can be used to maintain dental health. This is also known as oil pulling or Gandusha. Coconut oil is good for improving oral hygiene. It contains antioxidants that purify and keeps the risk of infections at bay. Use it as a mouthwash to detoxify and maintain dental health. Take 2 spoons of coconut oil, swish it within 5 to 10 minutes. Wash it with water and brush your teeth after this.

This will pull out all the bacteria and harmful germs while cleaning your teeth and gums together. It would keep dental infections, oral disorders, and bad breath away. Be careful not to swallow it at all.

Note: Do not spit this mixture in the sink as it would clog the sink. This could be done once a week. 

Cooking with coconut oil

coconut Oil

Some oils are not safe when they are cooked at a high temperature. Coconut oil can be the best alternative. Coconut oil is most healthy if it is cold-pressed and fresh.

Apart from the high nutrient value, coconut oil is highly useful to improve metabolism and reduce the risk of various diseases. Coconut oil helps increase good cholesterol. 

Notably,  it also helps in improving the internal functions of the body. It also helps in increasing the satisfaction of our meal. It amplifies the absorption of our nutrient meals. This oil can help you to resolve thyroid issues.

It can be a good substitute for butter in various foods. It also reduces abdominal fat, accelerates fat burning, kills bad fat & cholesterol, and aids in weight loss. Use this to cook or bake your food. You can also use it as a garnish and as a healthy dressing.

Avoid deep-frying as it could be more harmful than providing any health benefit. In case, you have to deep fry anything edible then you should always use refined oil. Remember not to use cold-pressed oil. If you want to have a smiling heart, a person should take a spoon of coconut oil first in the morning.  

Hydrate your hair, skin, and bones

hair, skin, and bones

Coconut oil can do wonders to your hair. It helps in increasing hair volume as well as is good for the skin. It is good for bone health too. With these benefits, it increases collagen to prevent skin diseases, protect skin from harmful UV rays and serves as an excellent moisturizer for hair and skin.

The combination of tea tree oil and coconut oil helps in hair growth and dry scalp. Warm this combination of oil and massage your scalp 2 hours before hair wash.

You can also use it at night before going to bed. It will relax you and aid with good sleep. This also deeply conditions the hair. This combination is also an excellent deterrent for pests.

From elbows to feet, it smoothes all the dry parts of the body. Apply coconut oil all over your hands and legs. This would prevent them from drying and peeling the skin.  Use it as a massage oil as it soothes the muscles and is anti-inflammatory. This also boosts bone health.

 Using coconut oil in the right quantity can do wonders for your health! Use the coconut in the right way to reap the maximum benefits.

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Ayushi Mittal

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