
Migraine Again: 7 Herbal Teas to treat Migraine

Here are a few herbal teas to test migraine which guarantee quick relief


  • Neem tea
  • Peppermint tea
  • Scroll for more…

A migraine is an unbearable ache on one side or both sides of your head. You may have nausea, headache, or vomiting and sensitivity towards sounds and lights. The pain is excruciating to the point that it becomes unbearable. This discomfort should be taken seriously and treated promptly otherwise it may continue longer for a day or two. It can affect people of all ages. It can indicate a sign of tension, distress and even a neurological problem. So here are a few herbal teas to treat migraine which guarantee quick relief.

Herbal Teas to treat Migraine 

Neem tea

Herbs containing anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects should be used, decoction of these herbs is a good way.

Take a glass of water in a vessel and add a few neem leaves. One or two amlas and a small little piece of grated ginger and a pinch of turmeric. Boil all these ingredients to make a concentrated liquid and drink warm. This herbal decoction will give instant relief to the migraine problem.

Peppermint tea

This tea has a pain-relieving effect with no side effects. Peppermint tea is another well-known fighter of pain, inflammation, and upset stomach.

Boil 2 cups of water.
Add 15-20 fresh mint leaves.
Turn off the heat, and steep for 10-15 minutes or until desired strength is achieved.
Strain leaves and serve warm with a drizzle of honey and a squeeze of lemon.

Chamomile tea

This tea is generally used to treat anxiety. It is tension-relieving effects make it a good fit for headache treatment.

Mix 2 tsp. dried camomile flowers in 2 cups of hot water and let it infuse for 2 to 3 minutes.
Strain and serve.
2 tsp. of Sugar or honey can also be added to flavour it.

Note: if you are taking blood thinners, talk to your doctor before using this tea.

Willow bark tea

Willow bark is the grandparent of aspirin. This tea has an active ingredient, Salicin which is similar in function to aspirin.

· Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of white willow bark to 8 ounces of water.

· Allow this to boil for about 5-10 minutes.

· Once it has boiled, turn off the heat and allow it to steep between 20 -30 minutes.

Once the bark is done steeping, strain the bark out and compost it.

Note: Children and nursing mothers should stay away from this tea.

Feverfew tea

This tea can be used to treat and prevent migraines. Do not use this tea if you are pregnant. It can cause miscarriage by inducing early labour. If you have mouth irritation, try reducing the concentration by adding more water to the tea bag.

Chop or tear the leaves of fresh feverfew into small pieces.
Place 1 tsp. of leaves into a tea ball. Set the tea ball into a drinking cup.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the tea ball.
Allow the tea to steep for five minutes.
Remove the tea ball, and drink while the tea is still warm.

Clove tea

This is one of the most powerful antinociceptive herbs which helps in reducing or blocking pain perception.

To use it, add 1 teaspoon of ground cloves to one cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes, strain, and drink.

Ginger tea

It has powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation, which can cause headaches.

Put a 1-inch piece of ginger root piece directly in a mug.
Add 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 5- 10 minutes.
Add honey or lemon juice to taste, if desired.

You can also get all these teas for migraine at your local health food store. For effectiveness, buy the organic ones.

Foods and these teas for migraine are just a temporary relief. Keep your stress level down, and work with joy, happiness, and comfort. Enjoy every moment of your life.

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Ayushi Mittal

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