Joyous News

Butterfly Effect

Chaos theory, a part of mathematics, which studies the behaviour of highly sensitive dynamical systems, and where a minute alteration in one initial state, has a large change in the state at a later stage, calls this the ‘Butterfly Effect’.



Simply said, this is the ‘ripple effect’, like when one throws a pebble on a still pond, the ripples which emanate, grow in size progressively.

This theory has a very profound implication in our lives, for no action is isolated, but has a ripple effect. Such an action, may seem insignificant at that time, carries a large repercussion in the long term, as is evidenced by the ‘pebble in the pond’ analogy.

Butterfly Effect also explains the theory of ‘Karma’ very beautifully. A small action, however innocent it may seem when done, carries it’s ripples into the Universe, and, as usually happens with ‘Karma’, comes back after a period of time, when we even forget our initial action, which triggered the ripples in the first place.

Keeping the Butterfly Effect in mind, if we think before we act (speak, do something, or any action, even thought action), and simply ask ourselves – ‘would we want this for ourselves’, then the ripple effects generated would be of joy and abundance, and not sorrow and misery.

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