
Joint Health and Beyond: How Uric Acid Testing Fits into Your Preventive Healthcare Plan in Delhi

Explore the importance of preventive healthcare in Delhi and the role of uric acid testing in maintaining overall well-being. Learn about the significance of early detection through regular check-ups and gain insights on how to lead a healthier lifestyle amidst urban challenges. Discover the convenience of accessing healthcare services, including affordable full-body checkups, from the comfort of your home with Orange Health Lab.

Prioritizing Preventive Healthcare: Understanding Uric Acid Testing in Delhi

Around 1500, the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus said, “Prevention is better than cure.” This quote is still applicable today, particularly in the areas of health and social care. If you are in Delhi, then this quote will have great value.

There are two facets to the healthcare sector: curative and preventive care. You must have a thorough understanding of this subject to choose the best course of action for better health.

Preventive healthcare operates within different constraints than many medical subspecialties or areas of practice that concentrate specifically on a single age group, illness, or bodily component. This article presents insight into the preventive healthcare plan you need to follow in Delhi and need to undergo the uric acid test in the capital.

What is Preventive Healthcare?

With the aid of ongoing and routine health examinations, vaccines, and other similar techniques, preventative health care helps to prevent future medical issues. It also helps in the early, treatable discovery of diseases. These problems can develop into challenging, even lethal ones, if they go unnoticed. In many instances, identifying the disease early—even before the body begins to manifest obvious signs and symptoms—leads to total eradication and, occasionally, full recovery. Additionally, an early diagnosis means you are better equipped to fight the problem.

When the body starts showing symptoms, preventive therapy is no longer effective. Additionally, preventive healthcare does not cover the treatment of any newly discovered diseases. One of the ways of taking preventive healthcare is by undergoing a full body checkup, which gives complete information about health conditions. The full body checkup price in Delhi is comparatively low, and you will get an accurate report. There are different tests conducted, and one such is the Uric Acid Test.

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Brief about Uric Acid Test

The body produces uric acid when the digestive system breaks down purine-containing foods. Liver, anchovies, mackerel, dry beans, beer, and wine are a few of the foods high in purines.

Most of the uric acid is in the blood suspended, filtered by the kidneys, and excreted in urine. The body occasionally produces too much uric acid or fails to remove it effectively. When the body produces enough uric acid, there is a high chance of getting hyperuricemia. High uric acid levels are frequently associated with gout, an arthritis-related illness that causes swelling in the joints, particularly the feet.

This is when the doctor recommends for Uric Acid Blood test to

  • Identify and assess gout.
  • Keeping the observation of patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatments.
  • Evaluate kidney function following an accident.
  • Discover the origin of kidney stones.

What is the main purpose of the Uric Acid Test?

Your doctor could advise a uric acid urine test if you show signs of a condition that causes elevated uric acid levels. A spike in urine uric acid in the body is used for identifying arthritis gout. Some of the observable symptoms of this condition are severe joint pain and stiffness, followed by inflammation, discolouration, and unusually high levels of heat near the joints.

Increased uric acid levels in the urine might also be a sign that a kidney stone is developing. Kidney stones are hard lumps made of crystals. These crystals develop in the urinary tract because the body produces too much uric acid.

Understanding the Process of Uric Acid Test

To undergo the uric acid test, you will need to provide your blood or urine sample. When a blood sample is used, the examination is referred to as the serum uric acid test. A sample of blood must be obtained from an arm vein for the blood uric acid test. Similarly, when you give your urine sample, the uric acid level is tested. A container will be provided for you to keep your poop in for the following 24 hours. However, you shouldn’t save the morning’s initial urination. Empty your bladder, then begin gathering urine samples places you go.

The test helps in understanding the level of uric acid in your blood. Blood volume is represented in deciliters, whereas uric acid is measured in milligrams. Find out what is “normal” for you, specifically from your doctor, to better comprehend test results. While analyzing the results, it is crucial to be aware of the usual range for the uric acid test. You will receive the test result on your WhatsApp or at your doorstep. Moreover, the Uric acid test price in Delhi is quite low.

3 Ways You Can Take Preventive Healthcare Measures in Delhi.

  1. Awareness of Air Quality

Respiratory health can be significantly impacted by promoting measures to reduce exposure to air pollution and educating the public about its dangers.

  1. Promote a healthy lifestyle

Fighting numerous lifestyle-related diseases requires promoting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, less stress, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol use.

  1. Regular Health Checkups

Undergoing regular health checkups can help you to know problems, including hypertension, cardiovascular conditions, and diabetes.


Investing in preventative healthcare in Delhi is not just a choice; it is a requirement where the pace of life can be unrelenting and health issues are prevalent. Moreover, with more and more health issues cases in the capital city, you must undergo a full body checkup. If you have the kit, you can do it by yourself and connect with Orange Health Lab to collect the sample and delivering the same to your doorstep. 

Moreover, the full body checkup price in Delhi is also less with Orange Health Lab. You can sit in the comfort of your home and get your health checkup done with ease.

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