
Improve Your Digestion In Summers with Natural Ways

You need to maintain your digestion in summer or you will look bloated and you will not feel like yourself. This demands keeping yourself hydrated and eating a light diet to enhance your gut health .

Try These Natural Ways To Improve Your Digestion In Summers | Gut Health

The extreme heat may be the most severe problem not only for you but also for everyone. One of the biggest problems that many experience during summer is indigestion. The most common cause of indigestion are dietary problems, the absence of water in the body or the inner heat it produces with a regulated temperature, as well as exposure to the external heat. From time to time we all have various gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach discomfort, gas, reflux, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Moreover, persistent symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue and nausea could lead to serious problems with one’s livelihood. However here are natural ways that can help you Improve digestion In Summers, and enhance your Gut Health.

Stay hydrated

In summer you very often sweat and, consequently, happen to lose much moisture. This may result in dehydration unless you do not replace the amount of water you have lost. Dehydration as a result causes lack of minerals and further hampers the digestive system. To avoid dehydration we should drink at least 2.5- 3 liters of water in a day. Along with  water we got the choice to consume nimbu pani, coconut water, buttermilk and aam panna to keep ourselves hydrated.

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Avoid fatty foods and caffeinated drinks

Tea, coffee and fizzy drinks cause diuresis which is the main problem of dehydration. Over consumption of fatty food items may result in bloating and acidity as well. Inorder to improve your gut health, stay away from fatty fried food and caffeinated drinks.

Go for Probiotics

Probiotics are good for gut health. Consuming lactic acid-containing foods like curd, buttermilk, kaanji and kombucha are examples of probiotic-rich foods that can be beneficial to our health. Research has revealed that one of the role probiotics play is that they have been proven to improve the symptoms of gas, bloating and pain in people. They might also improve symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. Probiotics are present in fermented foods like cabbage (sauerkraut), Korean fermented vegetables (kimchi), and miso. Also, Greek yogurt with live and active cultures has probiotics.

The probiotics being the good bacteria that may promote a healthy digestive system when consumed as dietary or supplementary nutrients. Probiotics are responsible for digestive processes through breaking down indigestible fibers that could otherwise result in gas or bloating.

4. Eat Lighter

Focus on foods that are known as coolants, semi-liquid, and don’t burden the stomach. Let’s not have the usual farm dinner with lots of starchy carbohydrates now. Salads, chilled vegetable soups, as well as some juicy FRUITS are traditional in summer – you will definitely prefer them as you will feel better as well. PITTA-PACIFYING DIET is definitely worth trying, if you are keen to consume foods sweet, bitter, as well as astringent-tasting foods whose role is to slacken the digestive power of the body but at the same time, there are no heating complications. These foods might be responsible for the soothing sensation that comes from eating melons and zucchini, that will enhance your gut health.

5. Choose cooling exercises

Regular physical activity makes the digestion and evacuatory systems function normally. Apart from that, you want to be able to regulate the temperature you are at as high temperatures aren’t recommended. It is beneficial waking up early in the morning especially when the sun’s regulating effects are most intense yet not too hot. So, try going for a walk early in the morning. Swimming is an activity that should definitely be a summer activity, but stay out of the sun.

You need to maintain your digestion in summer or you will look bloated and you will not feel like yourself. This demands keeping yourself hydrated and eating a light diet to enhance your gut health .Combined with the lazy days of summer, you may find yourself sipping drinks slower, eating less and taking more afternoon naps than usual. Along with heat, your digestive system becomes less efficient , so you need to be more conscious. By having probiotics, the IBS symptoms might be improved.

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