
Delhi Weather: Winter Chill & Rainy Respite

Winter arrives in Delhi Weather bringing cooler temperatures, declining air quality, and the promise of rain to break the dry spell. It's a clear sign of the challenges we face in maintaining clean air during the colder months.

Temperature Drops, AQI Dips, and Rain Forecast in Delhi Weather

As Delhi Weather ushers in the winter season, a noticeable chill is settling in the air. The temperature has started its descent, marking the arrival of colder days. According to Delhi weather forecasts, the city is gearing up for rain in the next four days, which promises to bring a refreshing change and ease the dry spell that had prevailed.

Read more:-Air quality in Delhi is still not bad as last year so far!

Air Quality Dips, Delhi Weather Shifts

The city’s air quality has also seen a dip, falling into the “Poor” category. It’s a reminder of the ongoing battle against air pollution, which becomes particularly challenging during this season.

This Saturday, we’re looking at a high of around 36.2 degrees Celsius, with the night getting cooler at 19.8 degrees Celsius. It’s a noticeable change from Friday when the maximum temperature hovered around 36 degrees Celsius, and the night was relatively cooler at 17 degrees Celsius.

Read more:-Air Quality Index Delhi: PM2.5 at 72, ‘Poor’ at 159

As winter approaches, Delhi Weather air quality is taking a hit. Many parts of the national capital experienced a dip in air quality on Friday, falling into the “Moderate” category. However, the situation worsened on Saturday, with air quality slipping into the “Poor” category. It’s a clear sign of the challenges we face in maintaining clean air during the colder months.

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Muskan Jha

I am creative person with simple mind possibilities that may be useful in solving problems.
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