
Mango Delight: Eggless Mango Cake Recipe

Indulge in tropical sweetness with our Eggless Mango Cake recipe. This moist and fluffy mango sponge is a perfect summer treat!

Sunshine on a Plate: Eggless Mango Cake Recipe

When it comes to summer fruits mangoes the golden gems are such a delight to behold on your desserts . The sweet mangoes are so tasty, why not bake an eggless mango cake recipe to celebrate them? It will deliver a hint of the real feeling of being on the exotic islands in each bite, making it good for any event, or for those with a sweet tooth.

Eggless Mango Cake Recipe

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1.     Mango Puree: Start the smoothie with juicy and ripe mangoes. Peel and paste them into smooth mass. You will use around 1 ½ cups in the recipe.

2.     Dry Ingredients: Get 1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and ½ teaspoon of baking soda. They should be sifted together for a fluffy, feather-like texture.

3.     Wet Ingredients: For the base, mix ¾ cup of sugar (depending on the sweetness of your mangoes), ½ cup of thickened yogurt (preferably flavorless), and ⅓ cup of flavorless oil (like vegetable or canola oil). These components will guarantee that the cake will have a soft and fluffy texture.

4.     Flavor Enhancers: To make everything better product you add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of salt to balance the sweetness.


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1.     Preparation: Preheat your oven to a temperature of 350°F (approximately 175°C). Grease an 8-inch round pan with a little bit of grease and then flour it, or alternatively, you can just line the pan with parchment paper.

2.     Mixing: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the sugar, yogurt, and oil until they are very creamy. Next, add in the pureed mangoes and vanilla extract while mixing gently until all ingredients are incorporated.

3.     Incorporation: Fold in the sifted dry ingredients with the wet mixture by bringing the flour and sugar by turns until the desired consistency is achieved. Do not overmix – it causes a dense cake.

4.     Baking: Firstly, pour the batter into the pan you have greased earlier and try to make it as even as possible. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick puts inserted in the center comes out clean.

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5.     Cooling and Serving: Wait 10 minutes and then transfer the cake to a wire rack by letting it cool down completely. On reaching room temperature, slice and serve your eggless mango sponge cake enjoying its moist and fluffy consistency as well as mango flavor.

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