Travel & Leisure

Secrets of Hungary Culture: Know the Etiquette of this beautiful country

Hungary Culture is really colorful: How much do you know about it?

Well, if you are hearing this culture for the first time, then don’t worry guys, a lot of us are not aware of this unknown Hungarian Culture. Here we have come up with relevant information about what this culture is, and what etiquettes they practice. Here are the full details. Just take a look:

When was it found? History Of Hungarian National!

There is strong evidence that the Hungarian nation was a unit in the Middle Ages. In Latin chronicles dating back to the tenth century, there are myths of the Hungarians “conquering” and occupying the Carpathian Basin and their conversion to Christianity under King Stephen. Many Hungarians consider their nation “the final fortress of Western Christianity and civilized Europe.”

It will provide you classic experience

In the Middle Ages, groups and nationalities that were not ethnically Hungarian lived in the nation. But, after the late Middle Ages, a dual nationality is demonstrable. On the one hand, there was a nation-state that ethnic Hungarians and non-Hungarians could share. On the other hand, there was a narrower sense of belonging to the Hungarian linguistic, cultural, and ethnic community.

In 1526, a young Hungarian king fell in a battle with the Ottoman Turks. On the basis of a marriage contract, the Habsburgs claimed the Hungarian throne. After conquering the Ottomans in 1686 and 1712, the Habsburgs ruled all of Hungary for some time. The population accepted their right to rule but kept and observed their own laws, legislative powers, parliament, and administrative division. A thing to be noted here is that from time to time there were anti-Habsburg revolts, conspiracies, and political unrest that took place.

In 1848, a revolution led by Lajos Kossuth demanded democratic reforms and more independence from Austria. However, Austria defeated the revolution. This was the first time that the general population, including the peasantry, experienced a sense of national unity. While some of the nationalities shared that experience, most turned against the Hungarians.

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The Austrian tyranny that followed the revolution of 1848 ended with the 1867 Austrian-Hungarian Compromise. With this accord, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy was established. The Austro-Hungarian monarchy ended after World War I. Hungarians, mostly young people, skilled workers, white-collar workers, professionals, and intellectuals escaped to the West. By 1968 Hungary had become the “happiest barrack in the lager” as a result of the economic reforms of the New Economic Mechanism and with some social and political liberalization.

The classic food

All you need to know about its different culture!

Horses have a very vital role in Hungarian Culture. Therefore, it’s not surprising that horse riding is central to Hungarian Culture. Hungarians were regarded as ‘Nation Of Horseman’ for a long time and horses were the tourist attraction.The family is the center of the social structure. Generations of extended family often live together. Grandparents play an important role in the upbringing of the grandchildren.Hungarians expect friends to share private and intimate details of their personal lives.If you ever feel you are being asked personal questions, this is simply meant as part of the getting-to-know-you process.Hungarians will even enjoy sharing details of their romantic life with you!

A life full of Etiquettes!

Hungarian Culture is full of Etiquettes. From Dining etiquettes to meeting Etiquettes Hungarian are bound with Etiquettes.

Meeting Etiquette

Both men and women greet by shaking hands, although a man should usually wait for the women to extend her hand.The older generation may still bow to a woman. Close friends kiss one another lightly on both cheeks, starting with the left cheek.

Gift exchanging Etiquette

When visiting a company it is not necessary to bring gifts.If invited to a Hungarian’s home for a meal, bring a box of good chocolates, flowers or Western liquor.Do not bring wine as the Hungarians are proud of the wines they produce.Flowers should be given in odd numbers, but not 13, which is considered an unlucky number. Gifts are usually opened when received.

Dining Etiquette

If in the rare case you invited to a Hungarian’s house: Arrive on time if invited for dinner, although a 5-minute grace period is granted.If invited to a party or other large gathering, arrive no more than 30 minutes later than invited.You may be asked to remove your outdoor shoes before entering the house.Do not ask for a tour of the house. Table manners are formal in Hungary.Table manners are Continental — the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating.Do not rest your elbows on the table, although your hands should be visible at all times.If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork across your plate.Never clink glasses if drinking beer.

Dinning Manners

Also Read: Learn Dining Etiquette To Leave A Long Lasting Impression

Business Etiquette 
Appointments are necessary and should be made 2 in advance in writing.It is often difficult to schedule meetings on Friday afternoon or from mid-July to mid-August. Also, avoid scheduling meetings from mid-December to mid-January.Punctuality for all social situations is taken extremely seriously. If you expect to be delayed, telephone immediately and offers an explanation. It is considered extremely rude to cancel a meeting at the last minute and could ruin your business relationship.

Dress Etiquette 
Business dress is formal and conservative. Men should wear dark business suits with a white shirt and tie. Women should wear either business suits or elegant dresses, complimented with good quality accessories. Jeans are standard casual wear. Shorts are uncommon in the city.

Status of Men and Women!

The images of the mother and motherland are expressed in the national literature and culture. Since the early nineteenth century, the centrality of the mother-son relationship has been idealized in literature and the public consciousness. The mother is often hailed as the core of the national identity, the guardian, and cultivator of a “real” culture that is untouched by foreign influences. Like any other culture, Hungarian Culture too gives immense importance to the mother.

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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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