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“ZERO AIDS RELATED DEATH”, “ZERO NEW INFECTIONS”, “ZERO DISCRIMINATION”. These were the words that were echoed throughout Meghalaya on World Aids Day (December 1). On the occasion, an awareness event called “Zindagi Zindabad” was held, which was inaugurated by Shri A.L.Hek, Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Meghalaya. It was held at the ‘U Soso Tham Auditorium’ in the State Central Library.


Chiefguest Mr. A. L. Hek lighting a candle with other dignatories on the ocassion of World Aid’s Day in Shillong

The Meghalaya AIDS Control Society observed the State level Function by organizing various activities like advocacy meetings, blood donation drives, just-a-minute college competition, express yourself onstage by dance, a rally on breaking AIDS and performances by Meghalaya Icon 5 winners- The Red Ribbon Phawar Stars.


Children taking part during the World Aid’s day celebration

It was an awareness campaign that started in lieu of the 2011-2015 theme. The aim on this World AIDS Days was “Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths”. The World AIDS Campaign focuses on “Zero AIDS related deaths” and signifies a push towards greater access to treatment for all; it also provides a call for the government to act now to avoid discrimination and stigmatization.


College Students taking part in a dance competition during the action pact World AIDS day, Shillong

The main goal is that the sexual transmission of HIV should be reduced by half in young people, especially men. Also the campaign focuses on the agenda that the transmission through sex work and vertical transmission of HIV and AIDS should be reduced by half.


Minister of Information and Technology Mr. A. L. Hek flagging off … ampaign on the ocassion of World Aid’s Day in Shillong

It brought together people from various districts of Meghalaya to raise awareness about HIV AIDS and to demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.


Zindagi Zindabad march at Kyndhailad, Shillong

On this day, the Government and health officials, NGO’s and other organizations spread awareness about the status of the pandemic and encouraged the progress in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care. The day ended with a rally around Kyndhailad point and with the local rock bands playing at the venue.


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