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What is social bubble? How New Zealand is using this model 

New Zealand has found Social Bubble? What does it mean

3rd May is the last day of the lockdown 2.0 . People are thinking what’s next? Already authorities are planning to extend it further. Looking at the coronavirus numbers, trends and preparations, it seems that lockdown might be extended for a few more weeks with some concession in green zones. The almost 40 days lockdown has raised concern over loneliness and isolation. Some people are alone might be facing mental health problems. Some parents are expressing that they are facing a big challenge handling their kids along with working from home. Many are missing their friends and family who make their life complete. Social bubble is touted as a way out to all these problems.

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What is social bubble?

Government has strictly advised us to maintain social distance when we go outside to run some errands. Also, we are asked to avoid visiting our neighbour’s house for tea and coffee. New Zealand has found out a way to strike a balance between the social distancing norms and defeating the loneliness.

They are practising social bubble. It means that you can choose some favourite people of your choice and give those names to authorities. Authorities will then allow you to visit those specific people. You can go to each other houses and defeat the boredom and become the real social animal as described in books. The authorities will set a bar on how much names a family can give. The names you will select will become your social bubble. On the whole social bubble allows people to mix with a fixed small group of family and friends.

New Zealand is practising the social bubble as the Prime Minister of New Zealand has often raised concern over mental health and loneliness of the citizens of New Zealand.

The United Kingdom is also thinking to apply the same practice in their country. People in the UK could be allowed to combine their household with one or two others., up to a maximum of 10 people.

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Can Social Bubble be practically applied in India?

New Zealand has a population around just 50 lakhs and they have witnessed only 1476 coronavirus positive cases so far in which 19 have died and 1,241 have recovered. On the other hand, India has a population of over 130 crores, a lot more than New Zealand. Our health infrastructure is not good enough if community transmission starts due to social bubble program. Some friendship and relations might get ruined if we don’t choose them in our preferred names with whom we want to make a social bubble.

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